Is a 0906 number free?

Is a 0906 number free?

The caller pays up to 100p/minute to call you on a 09 number supplied by 08UK (if they are calling from a UK landline), 0901 is 50p/minute, 0906 is 100p/minute. A totally free number service on certain ranges is only possible on 0844/3 or 0871/2 or 09 numbers from 08UK.

How much is an 09 number?

The cost of calling 09 numbers is made up of two parts: an access charge going to your phone company, and a service charge set by the organisation you are calling. The service charge for calls to 09 numbers can range from 1p to £3.60 per minute. You may be charged a one-off call cost ranging from 5p to £6.

How much does it cost to ring 0370 numbers?

A call to an 0370 number costs the same as a call to a normal home or business landline.

Call type Call cost
0370 number from a landline Included in any applicable call packages, otherwise standard landline rates.
0370 number from a mobile Included in talktime and bundled minutes, otherwise standard landline rates.

Are 09 numbers chargeable?

Special phone numbers, which beginning with 08, 09 and 118, are often used by companies in the UK. They’re also used for premium rate services, for TV show voting and for directory enquiries. On all UK mobile networks, it’s now totally free of charge to call an 0800 or 0808 phone number.

Do you get charged for 09 numbers?

Calls to numbers beginning 0800 and 0808 are free from all landlines and mobiles. Yep, free! However, numbers such as 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871 are more costly to ring, whether you’re calling from a landline or mobile. Numbers starting with 09 are typically the most expensive.

Is 0345 telephone number free?

No calls to 0345 numbers are not free. However they tend to be included in call packages as numbers you are able to call without paying extra charges. 0345 numbers are a special type of landline-rate phone number bought mainly by businesses but also by government bodies and public sector organisations.

Do you have to pay for 0345 numbers from a mobile?

Calls to 0345 numbers are not free instead they are inclusive. The customer will not pay anything extra to call them. In conclusion, 0345 numbers can have charges because if you have used your bundled allowance calls to 0345 become chargeable. ID mobile uses the three network, and it bills 0345 numbers at 3 per minute.

Is 0370 free from BT landline?

Depending on which call plan you are on, To call a number beginning with 0370 for a business from a BT landline will cost 12 pence per minute with a set up charge of 21 pence.

Does it cost to call 01 numbers?

Generally speaking, calling an 01 number from a landline should not work out to be too expensive. Most landline providers will include calls to 01 numbers for free as part of their package, particularly when calling an 01 number in the evening and at weekends.

How much does it cost to call a 0906 number?

Find out about the location and calling costs for 0906 numbers on our 0906 code page. This page contains information about which telephone companies the various 0906 numbers are allocated to. Special Services, open ended time dependent charge or fixed fee up to £1.50 for BT customers

How much does it cost to call an 09 number UK?

09 number call costs The cost of calling an 09 number includes a service charge of up to £3.60 per minute and/or £6.00 per call which is used to fund the service provided, on top of a standard access charge made by the caller’s phone company.

Do you offer free 090 business phone numbers?

Yes free 090 revenue business phone numbers supplied with no set up charge at all. If a gold 0901 or gold 0906 number is required or if a certain call handling feature is needed then we may have to apply charges for set up (but in many instances we can offer useful basic call plan features all included in our free 09 business number service).

How much does it cost to call on 08uk?

Here at 08UK we include great inbound IVR and call routing features for free with each of our 09 number/s. The caller pays up to 100p/minute to call you on a 09 number supplied by 08UK (if they are calling from a UK landline), 0901 is 50p/minute, 0906 is 100p/minute.


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