Is Ashe good lol?

Is Ashe good lol?

Ashe is the ADC with the most utility in the game. Her slow and stun from her ult will give your solo queue teammates plenty of time to follow up on any engage. Her late-game damage is also nothing to scoff at, since she is a solid DPS even then.

Is Ashe support really a thing?

Ashe is difficult support to play. Actually she lacks the burst and utility for support. Her ability are not very strong in early game. And if her passive charged faster,she could somewhat become viable player for support.

What LOL champ has the highest win rate?

Vayne tops the AD carry position with a 53.51 percent win rate and a 21.4 percent ban rate. She surpasses Karthus (53.36 percent), Swain (52.42 percent), and Veigar (52.40). She also beats out traditional ADCs like Kog’Maw (52.02 percent) and Ashe (51.06 percent).

Is Ashe good for beginners?

While Ashe is an “easy” champion, I definitely don’t recommend her to new players despite her being specifically put out for beginners.

Does Ashe benefit from infinity edge?

Infinity Edge With the bonus attack speed that Ashe accumulates through runes, abilities, and items, having this bonus critical strike chance increases the frequency she can deal devastating damage with one shot.

What goes well with Ashe support?

7 Best Supports for Ashe

  • Lux. Ashe and Lux are one of the most powerful bot lane combos in League of Legends.
  • Zilean. Zilean is also one of the strongest support champions for Ashe, and the pair has a similar playstyle to Lux and Ashe.
  • Soraka.
  • Braum.
  • Leona.
  • Sona.
  • Thresh.

Why is Ashe listed as support?

This is Ashe’s passive skill. Basically, she stacks up criticals as long as she isn’t attacking. As a support, this is a great option to harass your enemies in lane. Not only does it damage and slow enemies in a cone, but it also scales with the current level of your Q (Frost Shot).

Do Ashe autos slow?

Passive slow increased. Q now an auto attack reset. Increasing Ashe’s utility so she can be considered a good pick when a player wants to run down opponents in the early game….Passive – Frost Shot.

SLOW : [10% – 20%]
15% – 30% (lvl 1-18)

What are Ashe’s abilities in League of Legends?

Ashe is a champion in League of Legends. Innate – Frost Shot: Ashe’s basic attacks and abilities apply Frost to enemies, slowing them by 20% − 30% (based on level) for 2 seconds. Basic attacks against enemies with Frost deal 110% (+ (75% + 35%) of critical strike chance) modified damage.

What are the best Lol build guides for Ashe?

LoL Champion Build Guides: Ashe. 1 Ashe The Frost Archer. Find the best Ashe build guides for League of Legends S11 Patch 11.13. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL 2 Ashe Build & Runes. 3 Ashe Counters. 4 Ashe Skins. 5 Ashe’s Abilities.

Who is the best Ashe player in the world?

Best Ashe players # Summoner Winrate Played 1. its over OCE (#1) 67.6% 111 2. pieskie ycie EUW (#2) 67.7% 65 3. RRRift EUW (#3) 67.2% 64 4. Sididi EUW (#4) 69.1% 55

How many arrows does Ashe have active?

Active: Ashe gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds and causes each of her basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Ranger’s Focus resets Ashe’s basic attack timer.


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