Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic safe?
Is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic safe?
The Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is a safe, painless spinal correction procedure that restores balance to the body and improves body function through correct atlas vertebra alignment.
What is the difference between Nucca and Atlas Orthogonal?
What is the Difference Between NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal? The biggest difference between the two techniques is simple: Atlas orthogonists always use an adjusting instrument to ensure spinal alignment. NUCCA specialists, on the other hand, use their hands to realign your spinal cord.
What happens when your atlas is out?
The atlas shifts out of place ever so slightly and presses upon, stretches, or otherwise impinges on the nerves of the brain stem. This causes interference in the nerve flow between the brain and body and most commonly affects the muscles along the spine, typically tightening the muscles along one side.
How long does an atlas adjustment last?
The spine must spend more time in alignment than out of alignment, otherwise it will likely not stabilize as it should. We have found that for most patients this is best achieved by checking and correcting the spine 2 times per week until it is consistently stable for 1 week. For many adults this phase lasts 6-8 weeks.
How long after neck manipulation can a stroke occur?
In a review by Haldeman et al of 64 patients with cerebrovascular events after spinal manipulation, the timing of presentation ranged from 2 days to 1 month, but 63% of patients developed symptoms immediately following the manipulation (2, 4).
Can a chiropractor adjust your atlas?
Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is an advanced scientific instrument program to adjust the Atlas Vertebrae (top bone of the neck) without popping and cracking the neck. This method of chiropractic manipulation is gentle, effective and precise.
What happens after NUCCA adjustment?
Immediately after, you can expect some discomfort for up to two to four days after your adjustment. This is just the body adapting to its new position. Usually, people don’t experience significant soreness or discomfort beyond their first or second adjustment. You may also feel a sense of relief, even euphoria.
Quel est le symptôme de la hernie cervicale?
Dans d’autres cas, la hernie cervicale peut être problématique. Évidemment, un des symptômes observés est la douleur dans la nuque. Outre la douleur, on peut observer des irradiations dans les membres supérieurs, des picotements ou engourdissements, une atteinte de la sensibilité et de la force, une altération des réflexes, etc.
Est-ce que la région cervicale est composée de plusieurs muscles?
Comme la région cervicale est composée de plusieurs muscles, il est possible que ceux-ci participent aux douleurs dans la nuque. Ceci peut venir d’une séance de sport où les muscles ont été sur-sollicités.
Est-ce que la limitation fonctionnelle doit être déterminée?
– L’existence ou l’absence de limitations fonctionnelles doit être déterminée en fonction des données cliniques et para-cliniques relatives à la pathologie présentée par le travailleur. – C’est uniquement compte tenu de la condition physique du travailleur que la question se doit d’être résolue.