Is child Labour used in China?

Is child Labour used in China?

Chinese law prohibits the use of child of labor under age 16 but stipulates that children may be employed under special circumstances, such as in sports or in the arts, or if their “occupational training” and “educational labor” does not adversely affect their personal health and safety.

Do Disney use sweatshops?

The company has an appalling history of worker abuse around the world. Since the late 1990s, human rights groups have reported that many of Disney’s consumer products have been made in sweatshops in Bangladesh, China, and Haiti.

Does Disney have factories in China?

Disney is aware of concerns raised in June 2016 by China Labor Watch (CLW) regarding two facilities in China manufacturing Disney-branded products for our licensees and vendors, along with products for numerous other companies: Dongguan Qing Xi Juantiway Plastic Factory and Lam Sun Toy Limited Company.

Do children work in sweatshops in China?

A news video taken undercover at a factory last week revealed how common child laborers are in Chinese clothing factories and the black market chain behind this phenomena. Most of the workers were in fact teenagers; many were under 16, the legal minimum age of employment in China.

Where do children work in China?

About 8 percent of Chinese children between 10 and 15-years old work as child laborers. Children from rural areas are more likely to be child laborers. Farms need laborers and children are inexpensive to employ.

Does Disney still use child labor?

CLW said: “The investigations showed the old problems with Disney remain: child labourers are still hired in factories, and labour conditions are still unacceptable.” It called on Disney to publish details of its supplying factories and open them up for some independent inspections.

Are Disney products ethical?

Ethical sourcing is an important focus of The Walt Disney Company’s overall corporate responsibility efforts. We are committed to respecting human rights, monitoring the safety and integrity of products, and reducing the environmental footprint of our supply chain.

Does Disney do child labor?

Staff at two factories making Disney toys for Westerners employed children between the ages of 14 and 16 in breach of local labour laws and the entertainment giant’s own code of conduct, according to a report by China Labour Watch (CLW), a US NGO. CLW claimed the factory was hiring workers as young as 13.

How bad are sweatshops in China?

Since fast fashion requires speedy production, the factories that employ Chinese workers are dangerous and pose serious health risks. Sweatshop workers live in crowded dormitories and have no access to childcare. Furthermore, there is a high risk of exposure to harmful molecules like silica dust and lead.

What is child Labour like in China?

About 7.74 percent of children between the ages of 10-15 are laborers although the legal working age in China is 16. There is a positive correlation between child labor and school drop out rates. One study found that on average, a child who works 6.75 hours a day has 6.42 fewer hours to study.


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