Is Deep Blue Rub good for arthritis?

Is Deep Blue Rub good for arthritis?

It is excellent for pain relief in muscles, joints, and bones. Some examples of things deep BLUE can help with are a pulled muscle, sore muscles from a hard workout, a sprained ankle (or wrist or other joint), arthritis pain, or a really deep bruise.

Is Deep Blue an anti inflammatory?

Deep Blue Rub is an all natural anti-inflammatory cream that will tame your sore muscles into butter. This cream, made up of therapeutic grade essential oils, provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas.

What is Doterra deep blue rub used for?

Deep Blue Rub was designed to help soothe tired muscles and joints, and uses essential oils with cooling and warming properties to help naturally comfort problem areas.

What essential oils are in deep blue?

Deep Blue® is a blend of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus essential oils, and has been formulated to soothe and cool.

Can massage make arthritis worse?

They treat rheumatoid arthritis with medication. RA does not generally respond well to deep tissue massage, unlike osteoarthritis. Deep tissue massage can often make the symptoms worse.

Can I use a heating pad with Deep Blue?

Do not use a sunlamp/tanning bed, hot water bottle, or heating pad on the treated area.

Does Deep Blue help with swelling?

Whip Lash: Consistent application of Deep Blue at the back and front of the neck will increase blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation and enhance rapid recovery. Arthritis: Deep Blue Rub on advanced Arthritis joints – like knees and hands and then warm moist towels for a few minutes.

Does deep blue work?

5.0 out of 5 stars Deep Blue Rub Does Work! The first time I heard about this product was on a trip and another voyager put a dab of the Deep Blue Rub on each of my knuckles. The arthritic pain I have 24/7 seemed to subside for several hours!

Does Deep Blue Help Headaches?

Headaches: Deep Blue on the fingertip of one hand and apply to temples and bones behind the ears; wait 5 minutes to see if you need more…. Muscle aches and pains: Deep Blue applied to joints sparingly, wait a little while and feel better all over.

How do you make doTerra Deep Blue?

In each half bottle add 50d peppermint, 50d wintergreen, 25d blue tansy, 15d helichrysum, 10d roman chamomile. This is a master blend and needs to be appropriately diluted for topical use.

How do you make doTerra Deep Blue Rollerball?

Deep Blue Roller Bottle

  1. 10 drops Deep Blue.
  2. 10 drops Peppermint.
  3. 10 drops Copiaba.


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