Is Eden University Recognised in Zambia?

Is Eden University Recognised in Zambia?

Officially recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education of Zambia, Eden University is a coeducational Zambian higher education institution formally affiliated with the Christian-Adventist religion.

How much are the fees at Eden University?

Fee Schedule : Academic Session 2019-2020

Lodging/Cafeteria 3,750 2,250
Tuition 6,480 6,090
Total Amount 10,230 8,340

What courses do they offer at Eden University?

Courses Offered by Eden University

  • Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine(BSc)
  • Bachelor of Science in Registered Nursing(BSc)
  • Diploma in Environmental Health.
  • Diploma in Clinical Medicine.
  • Diploma in Registered Nursing.
  • Diploma in Pharmacy.
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy(BPHARM)

Who is the owner of Eden University Zambia?

Emmanuel Mwamba – Eden University of Lusaka, CEO… | Facebook.

Is Eden university a public university?

Eden University, formerly known as Eden Institute, is a private institution of higher education located in Lusaka Zambia.

Does Eden university offer scholarships?

Eden College offers a limited number of academic and merit scholarships to incoming students each year. Learners with exceptional academic ability or those that have achieved recognition in the arts or sport may apply for a bursary or scholarship at the school.

Do they offer bursaries at Eden University?

Eden University Fees Bursaries are usually awarded to students based on their personal circumstances, or if they come from a low-income family. Bursaries can help students who may face more barriers to attending full-time education, enabling them to access university. Most awards are for full-time students.

Is there medicine at Eden University?

The School of Medicine & Health Sciences provides an exceptional environment of collaborative, academic and clinical learning that helps transform students into leaders impacting the health needs of our communities in diverse wellness and health-related practices.

Is Eden University registered under HPCZ?

Accredited By Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) .

Does Eden offer bursaries?

Who qualifies bursary?

General bursaries are typically funded by government and are awarded to individuals regardless of their subject or career choice. Career specific bursaries will only allow students who are pursuing a higher education in a particular field or profession to qualify for funding.

Which universities offer student loans in Zambia?

Students at the University of Zambia and Copperbelt University are permitted to apply for Student Loans.


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