Is IQ 145 rare?

Is IQ 145 rare?

IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

IQ 15 SD Percentile Rarity: 1/X
147 99.9135767802% 1,157
146 99.8917630764% 924
145 99.8650032777% 741
144 99.8323213712% 596

What percentage of the population has an IQ of 145?

Approximately 95% of the population has IQ scores between 70 and 130. Approximately 99.7% of the population has IQ scores between 55 and 145. Only approximately 0.3% of the population has IQ scores outside of this interval (less than 55 or higher than 145).

What was Einstein’s IQ level?

2. Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science whose estimated IQ scores range from 205 to 225 by different measures. He is best known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 which has been called the world’s most famous equation.

What is Elon Musk’s IQ level?

It is estimated that Elon Musk’s IQ is around 150 to 155. Great geniuses like Einstein and Hawking had an IQ of 160, which puts Elon in a very great position.

What is Doctor Strange’s IQ?

They rate Doctor Strange’s intelligence as a 4 on a scale of 1 to 7, while Tony Stark and Bruce Banner each rate a 6.

What is Tony Starks IQ?

Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186.

What is Captain America’s IQ?

The IQ level of captain america is zero because we can not measure his IQ level as he is just a character driven by a writer according to his imagination.

What does an IQ score of 145 mean?

Yes, 145 is a good IQ score. In fact, 145 IQ means that you are very gifted and highly advanced. A 145 IQ would put you in the upper crust of highly intelligent people in this society. To put it in perspective, most IQ scores range from 40 to 140. Average IQ ranges from 80 to 120. Thus, an IQ of 145 is obviously good.

What is considered a genius IQ score?

A genius-level IQ is any score over 140. IQ scores are separated into different tiers that indicate intelligence. A score of 120 to 140 is considered very high intelligence.

What is the IQ scale range?

The IQ Scale is a total score that is derived from certain standardized tests that are designed to assess the human intelligence. 140 and over : If you have an IQ range of 140 and over, it means you are a genius or almost genius.


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