Is it OK to miss school?

Is it OK to miss school?

If I were you, I wouldn’t skip. Many schools give you just a certain number of unexcused absences, and it would be best to save them for when you are sick with something bad enough to keep you home, but not so bad as to get a doctor’s note. If you’re in high school, then yeah! Do it on a Friday too!

Is mental health an excuse to miss school?

You may consider a Leave of Absence if: Your mental health is disrupting your ability to participate in academic and campus life, even with supports and accommodations. You feel you are in crisis or that your level of distress is becoming intolerable.

What does a mental breakdown look like?

hallucinations. extreme mood swings or unexplained outbursts. panic attacks, which include chest pain, detachment from reality and self, extreme fear, and difficulty breathing. paranoia, such as believing someone is watching you or stalking you.

Are mental health days good for students?

“For schools to recognize that sometimes it’s better to take a mental health day than push through when you cannot seem to cope, is a tremendous support for students to feel understood and accepted, and [this, in turn, encourages] students to understand and accept themselves more,” Dry told Healthline.


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