Is it proper to start a sentence with but?

Is it proper to start a sentence with but?

There’s no rule against beginning a sentence with but. Sure, it’s a wise admonition from middle-school English teachers that novice writers avoid beginning a series of sentences with but. In July we went to Six Flags. But it rained that day.

How do you use but in AP style?

AP Style states: When a conjunction such as and, but or for links two clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences, use a comma before the conjunction in most cases: She was glad she had looked, for a man was approaching the house.

Can you start sentences with and/or but?

It’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “And,” as well as the other words that we are often taught to avoid such as “but” or “or.” Writing samples tracing back to the 9th century, including Bible translations, break these “sacred” rules, which stem from attempts to curb school children from stringing too …

How can I use but in a sentence?

“I want to go to the party, but I am so tired.” “I like her, but I don’t like her friend.” “I studied for the test, but I don’t think I did well.” “I’m hungry, but I have nothing to eat.”

Does AP Style use serial commas?

The Oxford (or serial) comma is the final comma in a list of things. For example: AP Style—the style guide that newspaper reporters adhere to—does not require the use of the Oxford comma.

Can you use but and and in the same sentence?

Yes, you can put two conjunctions together, but only if the first one is a coordinating conjunction (and, or, so, but, for, yet, nor) and the second one a subordinating conjunction (because, after, although, since, etc.). For example, but because and so although are correct, but not because but or although so.

Can a short story start a sentence with but?

Good news! It is perfectly okay to start a sentence with ‘And’ or ‘But’ in fiction writing. Doing so can enrich narration and dialogue, and inflect the prose with voice, mood and intention. The key is to make sure those conjunctions are being used purposefully and logically.

How is but used?

We use but to link items which are the same grammatical type (coordinating conjunction). But is used to connect ideas that contrast. … But meaning ‘except’ But means ‘except’ when it is used after words such as all, everything/nothing, everyone/no one, everybody/nobody: … But for + reason.

What is but an example of?

This word is commonly categorized under conjunctions because it can connect two clauses together and form a single sentence. In the sample sentence below: She stumbled but didn’t fall. The word “but” links together the clauses “she stumbled” and “didn’t fall,” and is therefore considered as a conjunction.

Where does the comma go when using but?

You should put a comma before but only when but is connecting two independent clauses. I would go for a walk, but it’s raining outside.

How do you use but?

We usually think of but as a conjuction linking two contrastive sentences or clauses:

  1. They had very little money, but (they) always bought their children expensive presents.
  2. They were poor, but (they were) hardworking.
  3. My car is fifteen years old, but (it) still drives beautifully.

How do I get A Complete Guide to AP style?

For a complete guide to AP style, writers should consult the most recent edition of the Associated Press Stylebook or visit the AP Stylebook website. The content of newspapers and other mass media is typically the result of many different writers and editors working together.

How do you write bullet points in AP style?

Associated Press style is to use dashes, not bullets, for lists that follow acolon. The department prefers bullets, but punctuate them per AP style:After each bullet, capitalize the first letter and use periods at the end ofeach item.

Is it OK to start a sentence with but?

There is nothing wrong with starting a sentence with but or any other coordinating conjunction. In fact, authorities as lofty as The Elements of Style, The Chicago Style Manual, and William Shakespeare all begin sentences with the word “but.” In the case of the former two examples, they also overtly say that it is permissible.

Do you put apostrophes after decades in a sentence?

Use the letter s but not an apostrophe after the figures when expressing decades or centuries. Do, however, use an apostrophe before figures expressing a decade if numerals are left out. Examples: Classes begin Aug. 25.


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