Is it safe to cross the border at Nuevo Laredo?

Is it safe to cross the border at Nuevo Laredo?

OVERALL RISK : HIGH. Nuevo Laredo is not a safe place enough. In general, tourists are advised to avoid this city. Disassembling drug cartels and weak police activity in the city makes the city uncomfortable for travelers.

What cartel is in Nuevo Laredo?

Zetas cartel
Located across the border from Laredo, Texas, Nuevo Laredo has been dominated for years by the Northeast Cartel, a fragment of the old Zetas cartel.

What happened in Nuevo Laredo?

The drug-violence in Nuevo Laredo began back in 2003, when the city was controlled by the Gulf Cartel. Most media reports that write about the Mexican Drug War, however, point to 2006 as the start of the drug war….

2012 Nuevo Laredo massacres
Date 2012
Attack type Turf war
Deaths Unknown
Injured Unknown

Who controls Nuevo Laredo?

Nuevo Laredo is governed by an elected Cabildo, which is composed of the Presidente Municipal (Municipal President or Mayor), two Síndicos, and twenty Regidores. The PAN is in control of the city government. The Mayor is in charge of the municipal administration.

Can I walk across the border in Laredo?

I remember back in the nineties, going to Brownsville and Laredo and just walking across the border to Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo for an afternoon of shopping or a fun night of Spring Break. However, if you wanted to cross by walking, you couldn’t do it anyway. …

Is Laredo safe 2021?

Laredo is generally a safe city. The main problems are related to the theft of goods, car theft, vandalism, and corruption. The one big problem in the city is the problem of drug trafficking. Remember that drugs are illegal in this state, so do not contact the drug dealers in any way.

What are the chances of getting kidnapped in Mexico?

Mexico kidnapping rate was at level of 1.5 cases per 100,000 population in 2018, up from 1.3 cases per 100,000 population previous year, this is a change of 11.86%.

What is the crime rate in Nuevo Laredo?

Crime rates in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

Level of crime 78.12 High
Problem people using or dealing drugs 82.35 Very High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 67.65 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 75.00 High
Problem corruption and bribery 73.53 High

How safe is Nuevo Laredo Mexico?

Overall Crime and Safety Situation The U.S. Department of State has assessed Nuevo Laredo as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. There is serious threat of crime throughout Tamaulipas and Northern Coahuila.


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