Is Kanan more powerful than the Grand Inquisitor?

Is Kanan more powerful than the Grand Inquisitor?

THE DARK TIMES Responding to reports of a Jedi on Lothal, the Inquisitor relentlessly pursued Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan Ezra Bridger. The Inquisitor was far more powerful than either, yet both repeatedly escaped him. After several encounters, the Inquisitor had finally captured the rebel Jedi, Kanan.

Is the Grand Inquisitor the strongest?

22 Powerful: The Grand Inquisitor Once a Jedi Temple Guard, the Grand Inquisitor eventually fell to the Dark Side and turned his back on the Jedi he was once protecting. The other Inquisitors were certainly powerful, but the Grand Inquisitor takes the spot as most powerful of the group.

Is Kanan Jarrus stronger than Maul?

7 Kanan Jarrus Duelled Maul Until It Cost Him His Vision Maul is extremely powerful, but Kanan isn’t washed up. He went toe-to-toe with the Sith Lord and matched him in skill and power.

Can the Grand Inquisitor use force lightning?

The Inquisitor Vindican applies Force lightning in combat.

Why are the inquisitors so weak?

Since there can be only two Sith Lords, Sith Inquisitors were given less status and were more weak than during the Old Republic Era, in order to serve their superior and stronger masters, the 2 Lords of the Sith. Sith sorcerers had already died out with the only one remain being Darth Sidious.

Did Kanan ever meet Anakin?

Yes, he did during the Clone wars, we saw his Hologram with his Jedi Master during a meeting with the Jedi Council. Another thing is Anakin has a recording on the Jedi Holocron possessed by Kanan which was also used by Ezra so it is a possibility since both Kanan and Anakin were contemporaries.

Was Ezra stronger than Kanan?

It’s entirely possible that Ezra simply has more raw power with the Force than Kanan, not unlike Kyp Durron being stronger than Luke in the old Legends continuity.

Is Kanan a GREY Jedi?

7 Kanan Jarrus He did not neglect emotion; he also never fell to the Dark Side, and was a part of no Force organization, making him, arguably, representative of a ‘Gray Jedi. ‘


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