Is Ruhr University Bochum good?

Is Ruhr University Bochum good?

Ruhr University Bochum is ranked 251 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 3.9 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

How many students in Bochum?

Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Students 42,425
Undergraduates 22,458
Postgraduates 9,814
Doctoral students 3,619

Is it hard to get into Ruhr University?

How can I get into Ruhr University Bochum Germany? The Ruhr University Bochum acceptance rate is 40% and intakes overseas students from around 130 countries.

Is Bochum University free?

Tuition fee and social fee Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) does not charge tuition fees. This fee includes free use of public transport in North-Rhine Westphalia, and reduced prices for food and beverages in the cafeteria (Mensa) and canteens.

Which airport is closest to Bochum?

The nearest international airport is Düsseldorf, about 50 km from Bochum. From Düsseldorf airport, you can get to Bochum by train S1 towards Dortmund or with some Regional Trains. Regional airports nearby are Dortmund, Münster or Weeze.

How do I apply for Ruhr University Bochum?

Ruhr University International Student Admissions

  1. Higher education entrance qualification equivalent to German standards.
  2. German language proficiency proof.
  3. English language proficiency proof.
  4. Official academic transcripts.
  5. Resume (if applicable).
  6. High school diploma.
  7. Qualifying academic degree certificate.

Is it easy to get into RWTH Aachen University?

With an acceptance rate of about 10%, RWTH Aachen is one of the most selective schools in Europe, with a strong emphasis on academic excellence. Therefore, a stellar academic record is a definite prerequisite, but in addition to that, there are several other criteria you must fulfill in order to qualify for admissions.

Is RWTH Aachen prestigious?

RWTH Aachen University is the largest university of technology in Germany and one of the most renowned in Europe. With its 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen is among the leading European scientific and research institutions.

Is RWTH Aachen free?

There are no tuition fees at RWTH Aachen University – this applies for international students as well! All students are, however, subject to a student body and social contribution fee.

Is it hard to get into Aachen?

What is RWTH Aachen known for?

Although faculties of philosophy and medicine were introduced in the 1960s, it is still most famous for natural sciences and engineering – and, since 2014, has joined forces with the city to give a prestigious annual Engineering Award to a prominent figure in the field.

Is Aachen Germany safe?

Among German cities, all of which are relatively safe compared to those in some other countries, Aachen has a very low crime rate. And as with almost all European cities, it also has no health warnings for travelers and no vaccination requirements for people coming from other industrialized nations.

How many universities are there in Bochum?

There are nine institutions of higher education in the city, most notably the Ruhr University Bochum (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), one of the ten largest universities in Germany, and the Bochum University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Bochum).

Why study at Hochschule Bochum?

With slightly more than 7,000 students, Hochschule Bochum is comfortably sized, offering a much more personal atmosphere than the larger universities in the surrounding area. In its original campus in Bochum itself and the new one at Velbert/Heiligenhaus, the university pursues an innovative path in teaching and research.

Why study Electromobility at ubochum?

Bochum University of Applied Sciences is widely acknowledged for its activities in the field of Electromobility. For many years, students have been building cars driven by solar power with which they have successfully competed in the World Solar Challenge in Australia.

Where does Ruhr University Bochum rank in World Rankings?

Ruhr University Bochum ranked 22nd in Germany and 247th in the World 2021 overall rankings, plus got TOP 100 in 12 academic topics.


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