Is Termidor HE safe for humans?

Is Termidor HE safe for humans?

The active ingredient in Termidor is a chemical called fipronil, which works by blocking receptors in the brains and nervous systems of living organisms. The substance is toxic to people and pets, and the only difference between the products available to homeowners and professionals is the quantity in which it’s sold.

How safe is Termidor termite Treatment?

Termidor insecticide is a water-based, odorless formula that doesn’t leach into soil, so it’s safe for plants and gardens near the treatment areas. When mixed and applied according to the label by a professional termite treatment specialist, Termidor has been used safely in millions of homes with children and pets.

Is Termidor safe for indoor use?

Answer: Termidor can be applied indoors as a spot treatment in wall voids. When applied per label it is safe for spot treatment indoors. 5 of 8 people found this answer helpful.

Is Termidor safe when dry?

No, Termidor SC is no longer toxic when dry. It is safe for your children to play near the area where Termidor SC was used once it is dry. 9 of 10 people found this answer helpful.

Is Termidor safe for wildlife?

The ingredient remains harmless unless or until it is ingested. Termidor is odourless in nature. However it contaminate water so if there is a water body on your property avoid using it on the grounds, especially near any waterways. Keep in mind Termidor is toxic humans, fish and wildlife if ingested.

Does Termidor contain Fipronil?

Termidor HE and Termidor SC are products we use in Barrier Treatments. It contains the same chemical, Fipronil, as Termidor SC.

Is Termidor safe in vegetable garden?

As long as your vegetable garden is not directly sprayed with the Termidor SC or so close to the treatment area that runoff or overspray comes in contact with the garden, Termidor SC is safe to use. There is no worry of ants transferring Termidor to any vegetation.

Is Termidor a repellent?

Termidor is non-repellent. Termites can’t detect it. Termidor, like other leading liquid termiticides, is lethal to termites when they ingest it (which they do readily since they don’t know it’s there). But, unlike all other termiticides, Termidor is lethal by contact as well.

Is Termidor safe for birds?

The active chemical constituent of Termidor is fipronil. Fipronil is highly toxic to a wide range of insects (e.g. bees and ants) and animals (e.g. lizards, frogs, fish, birds).

Is Termidor safe for bees?

Answer: Yes, Termidor SC is harmful to bees that come in contact with treated surfaces. To avoid bee exposure, we recommend that you follow all label instructions and perform outdoor treatments in the early morning or late evening.

Is Termidor safe for plants?

Termidor is not labeled for use on trees, plants or turf. It is only labeled for use around your homes foundation for termites, ants, and other selected pests. Termidor SC should have no effect on plants that are inadvertently sprayed with the product.


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