Is the Quetzalcoatl a bird?

Is the Quetzalcoatl a bird?

Quetzalcóatl, Mayan name Kukulcán, (from Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”), the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon.

What animal was the Toltec god Quetzalcoatl?

feathered serpent
In Aztec culture To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent . He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of mankind. He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god.

Did the Quetzalcoatl have wings?

Quetzalcoatl in Art, Literature, and Everyday Life As the Feathered Serpent, he was a snake with wings or covered with feathers. He could also appear in human form as a warrior wearing a tall, cone-shaped crown or cap made of ocelot skin and a pendant fashioned of jade or a conch shell.

Why was Quetzalcoatl called the Feathered Serpent?

Quetzalcoatl’s name, which means “Feathered Serpent,” was derived from the Nahuatl words for the quetzal bird and “coatl,” meaning serpent. Unlike the newer gods of the Aztec pantheon, Quetzalcoatl shared his namesake with the feathered serpent deities of the K’iche’ Maya and the Yucatec Maya.

What does Aztec bird mean?

The Resplendent Quetzal is an important symbol in both Aztec and Mayan culture. The quetzal is associated with the snake god Quetzalcoatl and seen as a symbol for goodness and light.

Why did Quetzalcoatl leave tollan?

At Tollan, in what is now Tula, Hidalgo, the Toltec people prospered under Quetzalcoatl’s reign; they developed trading partnerships across Mexico and Central America. However, according to legendary accounts, Quetzalcoatl was banished from Tula after committing transgressions while under the influence of a rival.

What does the feathered serpent represent?

The double symbolism used by the Feathered Serpent is considered allegoric to the dual nature of the deity, where being feathered represents its divine nature or ability to fly to reach the skies and being a serpent represents its human nature or ability to creep on the ground among other animals of the Earth, a …

Does Quetzalcoatl breath fire?

Fire breath[edit | edit source] The adult Quetzalcoatl can emit a deadly stream of fire and fire balls from her mouth which takes the form of a stream of flame surrounded by green static.

What do quetzals symbolize?

The quetzal is associated with the snake god Quetzalcoatl and seen as a symbol for goodness and light. Quetzalcoatl was even represented as a serpent adorned with the feathers of a Resplendent Quetzal.


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