Is there a phobia of exams?

Is there a phobia of exams?

If you regularly become excessively nervous before or during an important exam, you may have examinophobia that is exam fever. This is a very common phenomenon among students especially when an important examination is approaching next to you.

What are the symptoms of exam phobia?

Symptoms of test anxiety

  • excessive sweating.
  • nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • stomach pain.
  • rapid heartbeat.
  • shortness of breath.
  • headaches.
  • feeling lightheaded or faint.

Is test anxiety a phobia?

Test anxiety is a form of performance anxiety that is characterized by fear, worry, tension, and even feelings of physical illness in the face of taking an exam. Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam.

What causes exam anxiety?

So what causes test anxiety? For many students, it can be a combination of things. Poor study habits, poor past test performance, and an underlying anxiety problem can all contribute to test anxiety.

How do you stop exam phobia?

How to Overcome Exam Phobia

  1. Relax and Make a Plan.
  2. Have Proper Rest and Eat Well.
  3. Do Not Compare Yourself with Others.
  4. Take Small and Regular Examination Breaks.
  5. Make Time for Revision to Keep Exam Phobia at Bay.
  6. Sleep Properly.
  7. Stay Positive.

How do you treat exam phobia?

What happens if I’m ill on exam day?

Sickness. If you are sick on the day of an exam you should contact your school or college as soon as possible. You will require a medical certificate.

Is test Taking anxiety real?

A little nervousness before a test is normal and can help sharpen your mind and focus your attention. But with test anxiety, feelings of worry and self-doubt can interfere with your test-taking performance and make you miserable.

Why am I scared of studying?

Apparent difficulty – your mind tells you studying is difficult, stressful or even boring. Fear of failure – this is the most common cause – you are afraid to start studying until you are sure your approach will lead to a pass. You are also afraid of what other people will say if you are unsuccessfu.

How to overcome exam anxiety?

Start revising early: Students who start revising their portion early find that they can manage to answer without any stress or exam pressure.

  • Your own timetable: As a student,you are well aware of the subjects that you need to work more on.
  • Chart out: You know the number of chapters and which one is difficult to prepare.
  • Which is phobia describes the fear of exams?

    Exam phobia also known as testophobia is the irrational fear that grips your child and plays intense havoc in their lives for short periods of time every academic year. The focus of this article by Rahul George is primarily to show you how you can help your child overcome deep exam phobia around this time of the year.

    What phobia is the fear of tests?

    Testophobia is the irrational fear of taking tests that is different from the usual anxiety that one feels when taking a test because this can develop into a full-blown panic attack, and can cause one to fail the test or be too scared to finish the test.

    What are some examples of phobia?

    Common examples of specific phobias include fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia), fear of heights (acrophobia), and fear of spiders (arachnophobia), bugs and other small animals. Other examples include fear of blood, air travel, snakes, thunderstorms and elevators.


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