Is there a search function in Excel?

Is there a search function in Excel?

The Microsoft Excel SEARCH function returns the location of a substring in a string. The search is NOT case-sensitive. The SEARCH function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a String/Text Function.

How do I use search function in Excel?

Excel SEARCH Function

  1. Summary. The Excel SEARCH function returns the location of one text string inside another.
  2. Get the location of text in a string.
  3. A number representing the location of find_text.
  4. =SEARCH (find_text, within_text, [start_num])
  5. find_text – The text to find. within_text – The text to search within.

Can you use VLOOKUP for text?

Can VLOOKUP work with text as well as numbers? Yes. VLOOKUP can search for textual values just as well as it can search for numbers. The example above would search for the product names, which are text rather than numbers.

How do I VLOOKUP specific text in a cell?

2 Useful Methods to Apply VLOOKUP If Cell Contains a Word within Text in Excel

  1. =VLOOKUP(“*”&C13&”*”,B4:C11,2,FALSE)
  2. =VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(B13,3)),D4:E10,2,FALSE)
  3. =XLOOKUP(“*”&C13&”*”,B4:B11,C4:C11,”Not Found”,2)

How do you search for specific text in Excel?

Follow these steps to locate cells containing specific text: Select the range of cells that you want to search. To search the entire worksheet, click any cell. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find & Select, and then click Find. In the Find what box, enter the text—or numbers—that you need to find.

How do you include text in Excel?

To include text in your functions and formulas, surround the text with double quotes (“”). The quotes tell Excel it’s dealing with text, and by text, we mean any character, including numbers, spaces, and punctuation.

How to create search box in Excel?

Select cell D4 and insert the SEARCH function shown below. Create an absolute reference to cell B2.

  • Double click the right corner of cell D4 to quickly copy the function to the other cells. Explanation: the SEARCH function finds the position
  • Both United States and United Kingdom return the value 1. To return unique values, which will help us when we use the RANK function in a moment
  • Again, double click the right corner of cell D4 to quickly copy the formula to the other cells. Explanation: the ROW function returns the row
  • How to search for text strings in Excel?

    In cell B1,start typing =FIND; you will be able to access the function itself.

  • The FIND function needs at least two arguments: the string you want to search and the cell within which you want to search.
  • We want to find whether “Excel” is present in cell A2 under a given worksheet.
  • Close the parentheses to complete the formula and press Enter Key.
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