Is there any direct train from Chennai to Goa?
Is there any direct train from Chennai to Goa?
There are 1 weekly trains and 0 daily trains that run from Chennai to Goa , covering the shortest distance of about 742 km by MAS VASCO EXP(17311). Note: The number of daily trains indicates particular trains that run everyday from Chennai to Goa.
What is the time of Goa Express?
Goa Express (12780) starts from Hazrat Nizamuddin (NZM) at 15:00 PM and arrives at Vasco de Gama at 6:30 AM. The duration of the journey is 39 hours and 30 minutes. During this time, the train covers a distance of 2,201 kms.
How can I go from Chennai to Goa?
The fastest way to reach from Chennai to Goa is flight to Goa International Airport and takes 2h 5m. The recommended way to reach from Chennai to Goa is flight to Goa International Airport and takes 2h 5m. Flights from Go Air, Spicejet, Vistara etc. Buses from Seabird Tourists, Paulo travels etc.
How can I go to Goa from Chennai by train?
First Train from Chennai to Goa: 17311 Mas Vasco Exp is the first train to run between Chennai and Goa. It takes 20hr 55min to reach Goa. The train 17311 leaves Chennai MAS at 15:00:00 and reaches Goa MAO at 11:55:00. Mas Vasco Exp operates on Fri.
Is Goa Express Cancelled?
Nizamuddin Goa Express (Daily) journey dated 24/02/2020, 25/02/2020 and 26/02/2020 will be cancelled. Nizamuddin – Vasco Da Gama Goa Express (Daily) journey dated 26/02/2020, 27/02/2020 and 28/02/2020 will be cancelled.
Where is Goa Express now?
12780 – Nzm-vsg Goa Express Live Train Running Status
Station Speed | Sch/Act Arrival Train Arrival Status | PF |
Kulem | 04:35AM / 04:35AM No Delay | – |
Sanverdam Chuch | 05:01AM / 05:01AM No Delay | – |
Madgaon | 05:40AM / 05:40AM No Delay | – |
Vasco Da Gama | 07:00AM / 07:00AM No Delay | – |
Is there any train to Goa?
Via railways, it is quite easy to reach Goa as the major railway stations in Goa are located in Margao. The main railway station is known as Madgaon and Vasco-da-gama.