Is vermiculite insulation safe?

Is vermiculite insulation safe?

Vermiculite insulation is no longer used in new construction, but an estimated one million homes in the U.S. still have it, according to the USGS. Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral that is perfectly safe when pure.

What is Zonolite insulation made of?

Zonolite is made out of vermiculite, a naturally occurring mineral with a silver-gold or light brown color. W.R. Grace and Company produced Zonolite with vermiculite from a mine in Libby, Montana, that was contaminated with tremolite asbestos.

Can you test vermiculite for asbestos?

LCS Laboratory Inc., offers fast and affordable testing of vermiculite for asbestos. The test is commonly used by home buyers, sellers, home inspectors, and safety consultants. Safety first. When you take a sample, presume the worst and protect yourself from asbestos.

When was Zonolite insulation used?

Zonolite Insulation is the trademarked name of a product mined in Libby, MT, and sold as attic insulation between the 1940’s and mid-1980’s. Consisting of the naturally occurring mineral vermiculite, Zonolite was used for decades to insulate millions of American homes.

Does perlite contain asbestos?

Does Perlite Contain Asbestos? There has been growing concern that perlite may be contaminated with asbestos, making perlite a dangerous product. According to the Perlite Institute, and their continuing tests, the answer is no. The two substances are rarely found together in volcanic rock, according to a 2002 report.

Is Zonolite attic insulation dangerous?

Zonolite is different. The crumbled texture of this attic insulation leaves asbestos exposed to anything that might disturb it. Because it’s not sealed, Zonolite asbestos might easily become friable or airborne. That’s when it’s a human health hazard. Once it’s in the air, it can go anywhere.

How much asbestos is in Zonolite insulation?

The Fine Line of One Percent. The EPA says that vermiculite insulation, which is the pebbly stuff found in attics of many older homes, is only risky if it contains more than 1 percent asbestos. That’s good news, because most Zonolite, a vermiculite insulation, falls into that category.

What are the risks of Zonolite exposure?

Working with contaminated Zonolite directly during home construction or renovation creates a major exposure risk. Even simple tasks, such as moving things around in an attic or working on ceiling fixtures, can lead to enough cumulative exposure over years to cause an asbestos-related illness.

What is zonezonolite insulation?

Zonolite is a type of loose-fill insulation designed to be poured onto an attic floor. Though it is no longer made, its popularity in the past means it can still be found in millions of homes across the U.S.


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