Is VitalSource Bookshelf free?

Is VitalSource Bookshelf free?

VitalSource is offering free access to digital learning materials through the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester, to aid those students attending colleges and universities that have closed in response to COVID-19.

How do I access my Wiley eBook?

Visit to request via the ‘Live Chat’ or ‘Ask A Question’ tabs. To view your Wiley E-Text: Powered by VitalSource, you need to download and install ‘Bookshelf’ on your computer. If you do not have a Bookshelf account: o Download Bookshelf.

How do I access VitalSource books?

Go to – to download the bookshelf application for your computer or mobile device….Using Bookshelf Online to read your eTextbooks.

  1. Login via your school’s website.
  2. Go to the online classroom for your course.
  3. Click on the eTextbook link, and a new window will open with your eTextbook.

How do I download Elsevier eBooks?

Visit • Login with your existing Evolve account. Under the Content List in “My Evolve” click “Go to Elsevier eBook on VitalSource library” to access your bookshelf. Click the “Download” link for Microsoft Windows or Mac OS, depending on the operating system your computer runs.

Can VitalSource be trusted?

With 95% positive ratings for over 50,000 reviews, VitalSource is a trusted brand for students and instructors to purchase their digital course materials.

Can you download books from VitalSource?

Absolutely. VitalSource has native applications for all of the major platforms. The native app versions of Bookshelf allow you to download a single eBook or your entire library. Best of all, with the native apps, you can read your ebooks anywhere, with or without internet access.

How do I download ebooks from Wiley?

To download from Wiley Online Library:

  1. Search or browse for the ebook you want. Ebooks available for downloadhave the open lock icon.
  2. Click the PDF link below the chapter title or description.
  3. To download:
  4. To transfer to portable device, follow the instructions for your device.

How can I download Wiley books for free?

Steps to access: Click on the link Enter your specific research area / keyword in the search box to get the list of relevant articles. Click on “Journals” on the left to show articles only from journals. Select the article that you want to access.

Does VitalSource have an app?

VitalSource has native applications for all of the major platforms. The native app versions of Bookshelf allow you to download a single eBook or your entire library. Best of all, with the native apps, you can read your ebooks anywhere, with or without internet access.

Does VitalSource provide access code?

VitalSource only provides access to the Publisher Access Code. We can’t troubleshoot access to the publisher’s platform. If you run into issues or have any questions about the process, contact VitalSource Support, and we will be happy to help!

How can I download ScienceDirect books for free?

Access your article or chapter through the link you received in your email. This will take you to the online version of the article….Download an individual document or chapter

  1. Select the PDF icon:
  2. The PDF will open in a new browser window.
  3. Select ‘Download’ or ‘Save’ to save file onto your drive.

How do I open an Elsevier Account?

If you don’t already have one, you can create an Elsevier account for free from any of Elsevier’s products. To get started visit and click ‘Create account’ or visit ScienceDirect and click ‘Register’.


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