Should I save the rachni or Aralakh company?

Should I save the rachni or Aralakh company?

Rachni Queen If you leave the rachni to die, you will gain Aralakh Company as a war asset worth 25 points, but no rachni assets. If you choose to rescue the original queen from Noveria, Aralakh Company will suffer grievous losses in the holding action, reducing their strength by 25 points.

Should you save the rachni me3?

If you did save the Queen in the first game, then the choice is far less cut and dry. By saving the original Queen from the Reapers, you can gain just as many resources from her Rachni as you would by saving Grunt’s team. If you want to save the Rachni from extinction once again, save the Queen.

What happens if you save the rachni?

In Mass Effect 3, if you saved the Rachni Queen, she will be captured by the Reapers. However, unlike most other sentient beings, she is resistant to the Reaper indoctrination, and thus proves useless to them. She is kept in shackles, and you must lead an assault on the base where she is kept in order to free her.

Can you save both the Rachni Queen and grunt?

If you choose to leave the Queen then Aralakh company is saved. Grunt can survive both scenarios as long as he was loyal in ME2 so you are fine on that count!

What happens if you save rachni Queen in Mass Effect 3?

In Mass Effect 3, if you saved the Rachni Queen, she will be captured by the Reapers. However, unlike most other sentient beings, she is resistant to the Reaper indoctrination, and thus proves useless to them. She is kept in shackles, and you must lead an assault on the base where she is kept in order to free her.

Does grunt die in Mass Effect 3?

It should also be made clear that Grunt won’t be ensured to die if you choose to save the Rachni in Mass Effect 3. So long as you completed his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, he’ll be able to fight his way out of the Reaper-controlled Rachni’s tunnels.

Where is the rachni Queen in ME3?

The Rachni Queen shows up a little way into ME3 in a mission called Attican Traverse: Krogan Team or Attican Traverse: The Rachni, with the name of the mission depending on decisions you made in ME1.

How do I get the rachni Queen to join the war effort?

If you enlist the help of the Rachni Queen help: the Rachni Queen will join the War Effort, with her Rachni Workers adding 100 points of War Assets to your Military Strength. However, Aralakh Company takes heavy losses in the progress, and so you don’t get that 25 points. If the Rachni Queen was killed on Noveria in ME1


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