Should you cure the Genophage in me3?
Should you cure the Genophage in me3?
There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure.
Can you save the Genophage cure?
There is no known cure for the genophage.
How do I get salarian support after curing Genophage?
You didn’t cure the genophage, you get Salarian support. If Wrex is alive, the only way is by saving the council dude. Either way is pretty heartbreaking, You either lose Wrex or you lose Thane or Kirrahe.
Can the genophage be cured in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition?
The Genophage has been eating away at the Krogans for centuries in the Mass Effect universe. In Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you have the opportunity to make a critical decision for an entire species. You can choose to apply the cure for the Genophage on The Shroud, or you can sabotage the device and ensure none of the Krogans are cured.
Can you cure gehophase in Mass Effect 3?
Mass Effect 3 is filled with multiple choices that have a direct impact on your alliances and war assets. In one of the scenarios, you will come across a mission where a choice between curing Gehophase lies in your hand.
What happens if you cure the genophase?
As you see how important it is to cure the Genophase so that the Krogan’s can still trust you. But there has to be a sacrifice. In both scenarios, Mordin is the one who is on the verge of dying. What if you cure Genophage? If you choose to let Mordin do his job, he will take the lift and fix the weapon. This will lead to a happy yet sad ending.
How do you cure the krogans in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition?
In Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you have the opportunity to make a critical decision for an entire species. You can choose to apply the cure for the Genophage on The Shroud, or you can sabotage the device and ensure none of the Krogans are cured.