Under what conditions might an oxygen sag curve occur?
Under what conditions might an oxygen sag curve occur?
oxygen sag curve The curve obtained when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a river into which sewage or some other pollutant has been discharged is plotted against the distance downstream from the sewage outlet (see graph). Samples of water are taken at areas upstream and downstream from the sewage outlet.
What is an oxygen sag curve and how is it usually caused?
oxygen sag curve. in a flowing stream, the breakdown of degredable wastes by bacteria depletes dissolved oxygen, creating an oxygen sag curve. This curve reduces of eliminates populations of organisms with high oxygen requirements, until the stream is cleansed of wastes.
Why does oxygen sag happen?
The phenomenon of oxygen sag is usually related to the release of organic pollutants or nutrient elements, which promote the growth of oxygen-consuming micro-organisms.
Does sag curve explain?
These two concurrent processes of oxygen consumption and oxygen replenishment produce an oxygen sag curve, i.e., a curve which sags initially due to the increased oxygen demand and recovers asymptotically downstream due to the increased rate of oxygen replenishment.
What is an oxygen sag anoxic condition?
The US Geological Survey defines anoxic groundwater as those with dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 0.5 milligrams per litre. This condition is generally found in areas that have restricted water exchange. Anoxic waters are a natural phenomenon, and have occurred throughout geological history.
What is deoxygenation curve?
Deoxygenation curve: The rate of deoxygenation depends upon the amount of organic matter remaining to be oxidized at a given time as well as on the temperature of reaction, hence at given temperature, the curve showing depletion of DO with time i.e. deoxygenation curve is similar to the first stage BOD-curve.
Do sag curves?
What causes an oxygen sag curve to develop in a stream or river?
Oxygen sag curves occur when the oxygen dissolved in the water is depleted. This is caused by the addition of anything which increases the BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND such as biological waste and sewage. they are found mostly in slow flowing streams.
What is a sag curve?
Sag vertical curves are curves that connect descending grades, forming a bowl or a sag. Designing them is is very similar to the design of crest vertical curves. Sag vertical curves are characterized by a positive change in grade, which means that vehicles traveling over sag vertical curves are accelerated upward.
How is an oxygen sag curve created in a stream?
What causes a sag curve in oxygen content?
Oxygen sag curves occur when the oxygen dissolved in the water is depleted. This is caused by the addition of anything which increases the BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND such as biological waste and sewage. they are found mostly in slow flowing streams.
What is a sag curve in a river?
oxygen sag curve The curve obtained when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a river into which sewage or some other pollutant has been discharged is plotted against the distance downstream from the sewage outlet (see graph). Samples of water are taken at areas upstream and downstream from the sewage outlet.
How do you solve the dissolved oxygen sag equation?
The classical way of solving for the dissolved oxygen sag equation is the Streeter-Phelps equation, which dates back to 1925 (Streeter-Phelps, 1925; Tchobanoglous and Schroeder, 1984). The Streeter-Phelps equation is:
What is meant by oxygen sag during self purification?
OXYGEN SAG: The oxygen sag or oxygen deficit in the stream at any point of time during self purification process is the difference between the saturation DO and DO content at that time. Oxygen Deficit, 9.