What are 10 examples of viruses?

What are 10 examples of viruses?

The Top 10 Computer Viruses

  • Creeper. First developed in 1971, Creeper might well be the first computer virus.
  • Elk Cloner. Written in 1982 by a high school student, Elk Cloner attacked Apple II computers via floppy disk.
  • The Morris Worm.
  • Code Red.
  • Nimda.
  • Slammer.
  • Blaster.

Where is a macro virus?

Macro viruses are most commonly found embedded in documents or inserted as malicious code into word-processing programs. They may come from documents attached to emails, or the code may be downloaded after clicking on “phishing” links in banner ads or URLs.

What are the characteristics of a macro virus?

Macro virus symptoms

  • A device that’s running unusually slowly.
  • Strange error messages appearing.
  • Files asking for passwords when they usually don’t require one.
  • Your device saving documents as template files.

What is an example of boot virus?

Some common boot sector viruses include Monkey, NYB (also known as B1), Stoned, and Form.

Is Trojan Horse A virus?

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer. A Trojan is sometimes called a Trojan virus or a Trojan horse virus, but that’s a misnomer. Viruses can execute and replicate themselves.

What are 3 examples of computer virus?

Some examples of widespread computer viruses include:

  • Morris Worm.
  • Nimda.
  • SQL Slammer.
  • Stuxnet.
  • CryptoLocker.
  • Conficker.
  • Tinba.

Who created first macro virus?

Melissa Virus Melissa made history as the first macro virus with email worm trait and started spreading via email on March 26, 1999 infecting tens of thousands within hours.

Can macros contain viruses?

A macro virus is a computer virus written in the same macro language that is used for software applications, such as word processing programs. Microsoft Word and Excel are two examples of applications that feature powerful macro languages. The languages are embedded in documents.

What is macro virus code?

A macro virus is a computer virus written in the same macro language used to create software programs such as Microsoft Excel or Word. Macro viruses work by adding their code to the macros associated with documents, spreadsheets and other data files. They target software rather than systems and can infect any OS.

What are the example of stealth virus?

A stealth virus can infect a computer system in a number of ways: For instance, when a user downloads a malicious email attachment; installs malware masquerading as programs from websites; or uses unverified software infected with malware.

What is the example of MCAfee?

Discussion Forum

Que. MCAfee is an example of
b. Quick Heal
c. Antivirus
d. Photo Editing Software

What is a logic bomb virus?

A logic bomb is a malicious piece of code that’s secretly inserted into a computer network, operating system, or software application. It lies dormant until a specific condition occurs.


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