What are 5 facts about Athena?

What are 5 facts about Athena?

Athena | 10 Interesting Facts About The Greek Goddess

  • #1 Athena is the goddess of wisdom, handicraft and warfare.
  • #2 She is one of the twelve Olympian Gods.
  • #3 She was born after she sprang from the head of her father Zeus.
  • #4 Athena was one of the three Virgin Goddesses.
  • #5 She was the foster mother of Erichthonius.

What is Athena the God of for kids?

Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategy. She is one of the Twelve Olympians. Athena’s symbol is the owl, the wisest of the birds. She also had a shield called Aegis, which was a present given to her by Zeus.

How did Athena get her name?

Meaning & History Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare and the patron goddess of the city of Athens in Greece. It is likely that her name is derived from that of the city, not vice versa. The earliest mention of her seems to be a 15th-century BC Mycenaean Greek inscription from Knossos on Crete.

What was Athena’s myth?

Here are the 10 most famous myths featuring the Greek Goddess Athena.

  • #1 Birth of Athena.
  • #2 Athena Versus Poseidon At Athens.
  • #3 Athena And Medusa.
  • #4 Athena And Perseus.
  • #5 Athena And Pallas.
  • #6 Athena And Arachne.
  • #7 Athena And Tiresias.
  • #8 Golden Apple of Discord.

What is Athena most famous story?

However, the most famous myth which connects Athena with handicrafts is the story of Arachne, a mortal craftswoman who boasted that she was more skillful than Athena herself. Athena offered her a chance to repent, but after Arachne refused, she challenged her to a weaving duel.

What is Athena’s power?

Athena’s special powers included the ability to invent useful items and crafts. She invented the ship, chariot, plow, and rake. She also invented many of the skills used by women in Ancient Greece such as weaving and pottery.

What are Athena’s characteristics?

Athena is confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior, characteristics she finds reflected in Telemachus. Her role as goddess of the womanly arts gets very little attention in The Odyssey.

Did you know facts about Athena?

Other Interesting Facts About Athena

  • She was one of only three virgin goddesses.
  • Zeus considered Athena to be his favorite child.
  • One of Athena’s iconic symbols is an owl because the owl represents the wisdom that Athena possesses.

What is Athena’s origin story?

How was Athena born? Athena, the daughter of Zeus, was produced without a mother and emerged full-grown from his forehead. An alternative story was that Zeus swallowed Metis, the goddess of counsel, while she was pregnant with Athena so that Athena finally emerged from Zeus.

What does Athena’s name mean?

a-the-na. Origin:Greek. Popularity:271. Meaning:wise.

What is Athena best known for?

Athena became the goddess of crafts and skilled peacetime pursuits in general. She was particularly known as the patroness of spinning and weaving. That she ultimately became allegorized to personify wisdom and righteousness was a natural development of her patronage of skill.

What are 12 facts about Athena?

Transcript of 12 facts about Athena. Athena’s weapons are the spear and the shield with medusa’s head on it. Athena’s strengths are rational and intelligent defender and she never let her emotional thought effect her decision.

What are some facts about cheetahs for kids?

Fun Cheetah Facts for Kids. Cheetahs are sometimes mistaken for leopards but a cheetah’s spots are more round and they have long black lines that run from their eyes to their mouth called tears. A cheetah has between 2,000-3,000 spots! Cheetahs weigh between 69-140 pounds and can be 4 feet long. Male and female cheetahs are called cheetahs.

What are some facts about Athena and the Parthenon?

The Parthenon is 45 feet tall, and its base is 228 feet by 101 feet. It sits on a hill called the Acropolis overlooking Athens. The Greek goddess Athena was Athen’s patron goddess. She was the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and courage .

Does Athena have a family?

Goddess Athena’s Family: This Goddess had a very unusual birth as she sprung, fully grown from the head of her father, Zeus. He had swallowed her mother, Metis whole, fearing that like his father before him his position would be usurped by one of his children.


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