What are examples of complementary assets?

What are examples of complementary assets?

Examples of complementary assets include marketing, sales, human resource management, office space, information technology, transportation, manufacturing, and sales channels.

What assets are complementary assets?

Complementary assets refer to the firm’s assets or capabilities [rather than technology or intellectual property (IP)] necessary for successfully commercializing technologies, which include manufacturing capacity, distribution channels, after-sales service, brands, and complementary technologies (Teece, 1986).

What are organizational complementary assets?

Complementary assets are those assets required to derive value from a primary investment (Teece, 1988). These investments in organization and management are also known as organizational and management capital.

What is meant by complementary assets What are the three main types of complementary assets?

Complementary assets are broken down into three general types: Generic assets: “general purpose” assets which do not need to be tailored to a particular innovation; Specialized assets: unilateral dependence between the innovation and the complementary asset; Cospecialized assets: bilateral dependence between the …

What is a social complementary asset?

An example of a social complementary asset is. technology and service firms in adjacent markets. Disciplines that contribute to the technical approach to information systems are. operations research, management science, and computer science.

What are complementary assets Why are they essential?

Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for an organization? To obtain meaningful value from information systems, organizations must support their technology investments with appropriate complementary investments in organizations and management.

What are the complementary assets for organization why do we need that?

Complementary assets, among other factors, are important for organizations wishing to commercialize and profit from an innovation. Firms will accordingly aim to acquire and sustain complementary assets, in order to strengthen a firm’s asset base in particular in the light of innovation.

Why are complementary assets essential?

What is complementary investment?

The Complementary Portfolio focuses on investments that are not within the mandate of an existing asset class but are deemed to be beneficial for the total fund. It provides PSP Investments with greater flexibility to capture investment opportunities that would not otherwise be pursued.

What are 3 major new information system trends?

Information Technology Trends

  • Cloud Computing. One of the biggest trends that have emerged during the past year is that of cloud computing.
  • Mobile Apps.
  • Big Data Analytics.
  • Automation.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Smart Technology.
  • Virtual Reality.
  • Augmented Reality.

How important are complementary assets in making organizations and managers more effective?

Important managerial complementary assets are strong senior management support for change, incentive systems that monitor and reward individual innovation, an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration, training programs, and a management culture that values flexibility and knowledge.

What is the difference between specialized and complementary assets?

Specialized assets: unilateral dependence between the innovation and the complementary asset; Cospecialized assets: bilateral dependence between the innovation and the complementary asset. Complementary assets, among other factors, are important for organizations wishing to commercialize and profit from an innovation.

What are the Co-specialized assets?

Co-specialized assets Cognitive distance Cognitive legitimacy Combinative capabilities Combinatorial innovation Common Innovation Competence Traps Competence-destroying innovations Competence-enhancing innovations

Who coined the term complementary assets?

The term was first coined by David Teece. Key empirical studies on complementary assets were conducted by Frank T. Rothaermel. Complementary assets are broken down into three general types:


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