What are nouns that start with the letter V?

What are nouns that start with the letter V?

50 Nouns Starting With V

Noun Definition Synonym
view a range of sight panorama, scene, tableau
villa a country house or estate castle, chateau, estate
village a residential area in the country smaller than a town hamlet, community, settlement
vinegar a liquid made by fermenting cider, wine, or malt marinade, saline, chemical

What are 5 common nouns?

Examples of a Common Noun

  • People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.
  • Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.
  • Things: table, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, boots,

What are words that start with V to describe someone?

V Adjectives That End With -ous

  • vacuous – lacking intellect; void of content.
  • vainglorious – vain; boastful.
  • valorous – having great valor.
  • vandalous – destructive; acting as a vandal.
  • vaporous – giving off a vapor, i.e. fog or smog.
  • various – multiple, more than one.
  • venomous – poisonous; spiteful; malicious.

Is girl a common noun?

The word ‘girl’ is a common noun. It refers to a person but not by her specific name.

What is a good V word?

List of Positive Words That Start With V

Vacation Valid Valentine
Vigilance Vigilant Vigilantly
Vigor Vigorous Vigorously
Vigorousness Vigour Vim
Vindicate Vintage VIP

What are some good words that start with V?

In physics “V” is the symbol for velocity. “v” is also the abbreviation of volt, volume, victory, vowel and vacative. Some commonly used words starting with alphabet “V” are: vacancy, vacant, voucher, vacation, variety, van, vowel, virtual, vase, valentine, vow.

What are some adjectives that begin with the letter V?

Adjectives that begin with the letter V are listed in this post. vacant, vague, vaguest, vain, valiant, valid, valuable, value-added, variable, various, vast, vaunted. veggie, vehement, vehicular, venerable, venereal, venetian, venezuelan, venturesome, verbal, veritable, versatile, vertical, very, vested, veteran, veterinary, vexed, vexing.

What are two letter words that start with V?

“Veer,” “vent,” “vino,” “vole” and “vrow” serve as acceptable four-letter V words, while “valid,” “vaunt,” “vigor,” “villa” and “vogie” are among the five-letter words starting with V. Twelve-letter V words that players can make in multiple turns include “vacationists,” “valorization,”…

What are some words that start with the letter V?

The best way is to learn some of the common 3 letter V words, several of which take the form of vowel-V-vowel. There are 36 3 letter V words and 5 that take the vowel –V-vowel form including: AVE, AVA, OVA, EVE, and AVO. The other words are: DEV, REV, LEV , GUV (VUG), LUV, LAV, TAV (VAT), IVY.


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