What are organophosphorus compounds used as?

What are organophosphorus compounds used as?

Organophosphorus compounds are used as pesticides and insecticides accumulating in soil and aquatic organisms. They are structurally related to compounds used as chemical warfare agents (e.g., sarin and soman) affecting the nervous system by covalently inhibiting acetylcholinesterase.

What are the types of organophosphorus compounds?

Organophosphorus(V) compounds, main categories

  • Phosphate esters and amides.
  • Phosphonic and phosphinic acids and their esters.
  • Phosphine oxides, imides, and chalcogenides.
  • Phosphonium salts and phosphoranes.
  • Phosphites, phosphonites, and phosphinites.
  • Phosphines.
  • Phosphaalkenes and phosphaalkynes.

Can you buy organophosphate?

It is one of the most widely used pesticides in pest management and there are products available for application on residential and commercial properties as well as in agriculture to protect crops and vegetation.

What are the raw materials to prepare simple organophosphate?

Some are referred to as ‘natural’ phosphate esters because the cresols and xylenols used as raw materials are derived from petroleum oil or coal tar The first commercial trialkyl phosphate esters (TAP) were tricresyl phosphate (TCP) and trixylenyl phosphate (TXP); others are known as ‘synthetic’ phosphate esters, which …

What does organophosphorus mean?

Definition of organophosphorus : of, relating to, or being a phosphorus-containing organic compound and especially a pesticide (such as malathion) that acts by inhibiting cholinesterase.

What are organochlorine pesticides used for?

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are man-made chemicals that were used to control insects in urban areas in Australia into the 1980s.

Is phosphate organic or inorganic?

Phosphates are compounds composed of phosphate units. There are different types of phosphates such as organic phosphates and inorganic phosphates. The main difference between organic phosphates and inorganic phosphates is that organic phosphates are ester compounds whereas inorganic phosphates are inorganic salts.

What happens if you drink organophosphates?

Even ingesting small to medium amounts of paraquat can lead to fatal poisoning. Within several weeks to several days after ingesting a small amount, the person may experience lung scarring and the failure of multiple organs. This includes heart failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure, and liver failure.

How many organophosphates are there?

ORGANOPHOSPHATES. What are organophosphates? There are almost 900 different bug killers (pesticides) that can be used in the United States. A small number (37) belong to a class of insect killers (insecticides) known as organophosphates.

Is Agent Orange an organophosphate?

A handful of these compounds are so dangerous that some organophosphates were further developed before and during World War II into chemical warfare agents. One such compound, Agent Orange, was an equal combination of two herbicides and was used as a defoliant during operations conducted in the Vietnam War era.

Who developed organophosphorus compounds?

IG Farben
IG Farben developed the first organophosphorus compound with an extremely high toxicity; this became the nerve agent known as tabun (GA). As much as 12,000 tons was produced for the German army in World War II, although it was never used.

Which of the following type of insecticide is organophosphorus compound?

Most of the commonly used organophosphorus insecticides carry either two methyl (e.g., demeton-S-methyl, dichlorvos, dimethoate, malathion) or two ethyl (e.g., chlorpyrifos, diazinon, parathion) ester groups attached to the phosphorus atom, so that dimethyl phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase or diethyl phosphorylated …

What is organophosphate (OP)?

Organophosphorus compounds (OPs) are a diverse group of chemicals, including insecticides (malathion, parathion, diazinon, fenthion, dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos, and others) and nerve gases (soman, sarin, tabun, and VX). From: Toxicology of Organophosphate & Carbamate Compounds, 2006

What is an organophosphate insecticide?

The organophosphorus insecticides are esters of phosphoric acid (or its sulfur analogues) and are therefore often referred to as organophosphates to distinguish them from compounds with a C–P bond. There are several groups of chemically related organophosphates.

What is the mechanism of action of organophosphorus?

Organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate insecticides are used extensively throughout the world and are frequently associated with toxicoses in animals. These insecticides inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.


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