What are some biodegradable pollutants?

What are some biodegradable pollutants?

Few examples of biodegradable pollutants are,

  • Wastes produced from humans and animals waste.
  • Plant products, dried leaves, grass, fruits and flowers.
  • Food wastes, wood and other remains from the death of living creatures.

Is mercuric salt biodegradable?

(i) Pesticides (ii) Mercuric salts (iii) Sewage (iv) Radioactive wastes. Only sewage is biodegradable.

Is a biodegradable pollutant a paper B cotton cloth C cotton D DDT?

Detailed Solution The correct answer is DDT.

Is DDT antibiotic?

It was first developed as an insecticide, later it became popular for its environmental influences. It was used in World War II (in the second half), to control malaria and typhus amongst civilians and army troops. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is an organochlorine compound that was first used as an insecticide.

Which of the following pollutants is not biodegradable?

DDT, plastics, polythene, lead vapour, silver foils, etc. are non-biodegradable pollutants.

What are the biodegradable and nonbiodegradable pollutants?

Biodegradable pollution is those which are decomposed by natural biological agents. Non- biodegradable pollutants that do not decompose. They are decomposed and degraded by microbes. Non- biodegradable pollutants cannot be disposed of easily.

Is radioactive waste biodegradable pollutants?

(c) Choose the biodegradable pollutants from the list given below: Sewage, DDT, radioactive waste, agricultural waste….1 Answer.

Biodegradable pollutants Non-biodegradable pollutants
(iv) They cause minimum environmental pollution. (iv) They cause environmental pollution.

Is agricultural waste biodegradable pollutant?

Biodegradable pollutants easily decompose in the nature but the Non Biodegradable pollutants are non decomposable in the nature. C)Sewage and agricultural waste are biodegradable waste.

Which of the following pollutant is not biodegradable?

Which one is not a biodegradable pollutant a cotton B wool C steel plate D paper?

The correct answer is Pesticide. DDT, plastics, polythene, bags, insecticides, pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, metal articles like aluminum cans, synthetic fibers, glass objects, iron products, and silver foils are non-biodegradable pollutants.

Is DDT a biodegradable pollutant?

DDT is a non-biodegradable pollutant widely used as a modern synthetic insecticide. DDT is an insecticide which is a non-biodegradable pollutant.

Is DDT biodegradable?

DDT is harm to all biota of the planet as it is non-biodegradable, and tends to become more concentrated as it moves up the food chain. It is a fat-soluble chemical, and accumulates in the fat deposits of the body.


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