What are some vocabulary words in Freak the Mighty?

What are some vocabulary words in Freak the Mighty?

Explore the Words

  • unvanquished. not conquered.
  • microsecond. one millionth of a second; one thousandth of a millisecond.
  • mainstream. the prevailing current of thought.
  • fiend. an evil supernatural being.
  • hunker. squat, hunch, or crouch down.
  • humanoid. an automaton that resembles a human being.
  • bulkhead.
  • ornithopter.

What does the dictionary symbolize in Freak the Mighty?

Freak Writes a Dictionary As Max and Kevin are able to see greatness in each other beyond their disabilities, each began to see himself as capable of doing great things. For example, Kevin showed Max how to read in a way that made sense to him. For Christmas, Kevin has written a dictionary just for Max.

Are u freak meaning?

Freak is a not-so-nice noun that refers to either a person who expresses such an intense obsession with something that it resembles addiction, or a person or animal that is monstrous and deformed. Weirdo is slang for freak, and regular is its antonym.

Who is a freaky person?

If someone or something is freaky, they are very unusual in some way. [informal] This guy bore a really freaky resemblance to Jones. Synonyms: weird, odd, wild, strange More Synonyms of freaky.

What does swaggering mean in Freak the Mighty?

In a small voice I say, “Tell me what to do,” and Freak pats me on the shoulder and says, “Just give me a nanosecond to process the alternatives.”† swaggering = walking and behaving in a highly confident manner. 1. 2.

What does divulged mean in Freak the Mighty?

make known (secret of private information) Now swear on your heart that the data you are about to receive will be divulged to no one.

What does the ornithopter symbolize?

The Ornithopter Symbol Analysis Freak’s ornithopter (a mechanical flying bird) represents freedom—specifically, the medically-assisted freedom that Freak enjoys.

What is the ornithopter a symbol of in Freak the Mighty?

The Ornithopter Freak’s ornithopter (a mechanical flying bird) represents freedom—specifically, the medically-assisted freedom that Freak enjoys.

Is freaking a curse word?

Yes, “fricking” or “freaking” are basically milder substitutes for the “F-word”. They are thus LESS offensive than that word. But this does not make them inoffensive. Listeners will generally assume that you were considering using the more vulgar word but substituted this milder alternative.

Is Freakily a word?

1. Strange or unusual; freakish.

What freak girl means?

young woman who adopts a unconventional behavior and look. term largely used in the 20’s to describe women who acted contrary to what was commonly expected by going out, drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing make-up etc. gurl n.

What does fiend mean in slang?

Informal. a person who is extremely addicted to some pernicious habit: an opium fiend. Informal. a person who is excessively interested in some game, sport, etc.; fan; buff: a bridge fiend.


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