What are the 10 areas of wellness?

What are the 10 areas of wellness?

10 Dimensions of Wellness.

  • Physical. Although some of us may have the flexibility of time while working from home, avoid neglecting our physical wellbeing.
  • Nutrition. It is important to have two to three regular meals a day and not over-eat.
  • Medical and Psychological Health.
  • Social.
  • Environmental.
  • Spiritual.
  • Intellectual.
  • What are the seven areas of physical care?

    The first step to truly improving your overall mental health is identifying the seven main areas of self-care and how there fit into your life….

    • 1 – Physical Self-Care.
    • 2 – Emotional Self-Care.
    • 3 – Social or Relational Self-Care.
    • 4 – Psychological Self-Care.
    • 6 – Professional Self-Care.

    What are the 7 dimensions of the universe?

    The most studied are the regular polytopes, of which there are only three in seven dimensions: the 7-simplex, 7-cube, and 7-orthoplex. A wider family are the uniform 7-polytopes, constructed from fundamental symmetry domains of reflection, each domain defined by a Coxeter group.

    What are the 8 areas of self care?

    There are 8 main areas of self-care: physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual, and financial. Movement of the body, health, nutrition, sleep and resting needs.

    How can you develop your seven dimensions?

    Along with religion, practicing self-reflection, meditation, and acceptance can help improve a person’s spiritual dimension of wellness. The seven dimensions of wellness can be remembered through the acronym SPECIES. It takes all the pieces of the puzzle to balance one another and achieve a strong sense of well-being.

    Who created the 7 Dimensions of Wellness?

    Dr. Bill Hettler
    We have created a proprietary active living concept called The Seven Dimensions of Wellness, adapting the Six Dimensions of Wellness developed by Dr. Bill Hettler from the National Wellness Institute (NWI) and customizing them for Senior Living.

    What are the 7 components of wellness?

    components of wellness. What do they mean. The seven components of wellness are put into place to provide a more thurough method of staying healthy in ways other than physical health. The seven components are: social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, environmental, and physical.

    What are the 7 dimensions of wellness?

    Although wellness is often conflated with physical health, there are actually 7 dimensions of wellness: Physical Wellness. Emotional Wellness. Social Wellness. Intellectual Wellness. Spiritual Wellness. Environmental Wellness.

    How to practice the 7 dimensions of wellness?

    Physical Wellness: Physical wellness is all about caring for your body in a way that supports healthy functioning.

  • Emotional Wellness: This dimension of wellness focuses on your ability to recognize,process and express your emotions.
  • Social Wellness: Social wellness addresses our relationships with friends,loved ones,and acquaintances.
  • Why is 8 aspects of wellness?

    Eight Dimensions of Wellness Wellness is being in good physical and mental health. Because mental health and physical health are linked, problems in one area can impact the other. At the same time, improving your physical health can also benefit your mental health, and vice versa.


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