What are the 2 methods of origami tessellation?

What are the 2 methods of origami tessellation?

There are 2 major types of tessellations, the classic type and corrugations. Classic tessellations are usually based on either a square or hexagonal grid. The paper in these tessellations is folded into an odd number of layers to make the shapes and patterns.

What is hyperbolic origami?

Like any other origami, the pattern starts with a flat sheet of paper, which is then folded along concentric squares. Those folds combine to pull the tips of the paper in opposite directions, forming the opposing arcs of a hyperbolic paraboloid.

Can you tessellate a cube?

You only need to tessellate four objects: cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere. As for the tessellation values, they will take on different meanings depending on the object you are tessellating.

What are origorigami tessellations?

Origami Tessellations are a very interesting and unique use of paper. Especially if you appreciate the mathematics and design behind them. In a previous postwe talked about the different kinds of tessellations and a bit of the history behind them.

How do you make a tessellation?

For this next tessellation Alessandro Beber took a hexagon sheet of paper, made all the creases, unfolded it and then treated the paper with water and black ink to give it the colour. Then he refolded everything and the result is what you see here. Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30452866@N06/21712149504/

What is the difference between corrugated paper and tessellated paper?

Because different sections of the tessellations have different numbers of layers you can turn on a light behind the tessellation for some neat effects. Corrugations are made with one layer and the tessellation pattern is formed with wrinkles and waves in the paper.

Why are tessellations always an odd number?

The paper in these tessellations is folded into an odd number of layers to make the shapes and patterns. There’s always an odd number of layers since the paper needs to always be folded back on itself to continue the pattern.


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