What are the 4 volcanoes?

What are the 4 volcanoes?

Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds–cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes.

What are the four types of volcanoes according to appearance?

There are 4 major types of volcanoes:

  • Cinder Cone Volcanoes: These are the simplest type of volcano.
  • Composite Volcanoes: Composite volcanoes, or stratovolcanoes make up some of the world’s most memorable mountains: Mount Rainier, Mount Fuji, and Mount Cotopaxi, for example.
  • Shield Volcanoes:
  • Lava Domes:

Are there different types of volcanoes?

Strictly speaking there are two broad types of volcano, a stratovolcano and a shield volcano, although there are lots of different volcanic features that can form from erupted magma (such as cinder cones or lava domes) as well processes that shape volcanoes.

What are volcano types?

How many types of volcano are there?

How many major types of volcanoes are there?

What are volcanoes Class 9?

Answer: Volcanoes are the vents in the earth’s crust erupting hot magma from the interior core motivated by endogenic forces.

What are the names of the different types of volcanoes?

Volcanoes are grouped into four types: Cinder cones Composite volcanoes Shield volcanoes Lava volcanoes

What are the 5 types of volcanoes?

Apart from these there are few other types of volcanoes such as super volcanoes, cryptodomes, lava domes, submarine volcanoes. The volcanic emission injects sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor and sulfuric acid in the atmosphere that contributes a lot to acid rain.

What type of volcanoes are typically the largest?

Shield Volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are the largest volcanoes on Earth that actually look like volcanoes (i.e. not counting flood basalt flows). The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the most famous examples. Shield volcanoes are almost exclusively basalt , a type of lava that is very fluid when erupted.

What is the most common type of volcano?

The most common types of volcanoes, from largest to smallest, are the shield volcano, composite volcano, and cinder cone. A shield volcano is a very large, broad, and low profile volcano consisting of layers of basaltic rocks.


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