What are the 6 Elements of Harmony?

What are the 6 Elements of Harmony?

The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. They are six: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic.

What is twilights element?

Magic Twilight Sparkle (originally Princess Celestia) possesses the element of magic. When her friends come to her aid in the castle ruins, she realizes that they are her friends, and a “spark” within her activates the Elements of Harmony.

What is Starlight Glimmer’s element of harmony?

Starlight is the person/pony we all wish we could be, someone who overcomes past discretions and makes peace with them. And that is why Starlight Glimmer is the Element of Peace.

Is sunset shimmer the 7th element of harmony?

According to Twitter conversations with Jim Miller, Sunset Shimmer’s popularity is not why Starlight Glimmer was added to the show. When asked on Twitter in mid-December 2016 if Sunset is one of the Elements of Harmony, Ishi Rudell replied, “In our world she is the 7th element!

Was Cadence born an Alicorn?

The books Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell and Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden and Amy Keating Rogers state that Cadance was born a Pegasus and became an Alicorn later.

Does sunset shimmer have a human counterpart?

Sunset Shimmer’s human counterpart appears in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. She is the main antagonist of My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Sunset on the Horizon, Part 1, but reforms in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Sunset on the Horizon, Part 2.

How powerful are the elements of harmony?

The Elements of Harmony are supernatural artifacts which are arguably the most powerful force in Equestria, though the extent and nature of their power are largely unspecified. Each artifact represents an element of friendship and can presumably only work if wielded by one who possesses the corresponding trait, and only if all are used together.

What are the elements of harmony?

The Elements of Harmony. The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts which are arguably the most powerful force in Equestria. They’re reflections of the Pillars own elements: Hope (Laughter), Strength (Honesty), Beauty (Generosity), Bravery (Loyalty), Healing (Kindness), and Sorcery (Magic).

How many elements of harmony are there?

The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. The narration during the prologue of Friendship is Magic , part 1 describes the Elements of Harmony as “the most powerful magic known to ponydom”. When they reach the castle ruins, they find five stone orbs that are supposedly five of the Elements of Harmony.


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