What are the advantages of wireless sensor network?

What are the advantages of wireless sensor network?

Benefits or advantages of WSN ➨It is scalable and hence can accommodate any new nodes or devices at any time. ➨It is flexible and hence open to physical partitions. ➨All the WSN nodes can be accessed through centralized montoring system. ➨As it is wireless in nature, it does not require wires or cables.

What are the benefits of fault tolerance?

The key benefit of fault tolerance is to minimize or avoid the risk of systems becoming unavailable due to a component error.

What is fault tolerance in wireless sensor networks?

Fault-tolerance is the ability of a network to provide a desired level of functionality without interruption even if there are faults in the network [9]. Therefore, the fault-tolerance of a network is considered to be one of the most critical issues in WSNs.

Why fault tolerance is an important requirement for WSN unlike wired sensor network?

Abstract. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have wide variety of applications and provide limitless future potentials. Nodes in WSNs are prone to failure due to energy depletion, hardware failure, communication link errors, malicious attacks, and so on. Therefore, fault tolerance is one of the critical issues in WSNs.

What is an advantage of a sensor?

The key advantages of sensors include improved sensitivity during data capture, almost lossless transmission, and continuous, real-time analysis. Real-time feedback, and data analytics services ensure that processes are active, and are executed optimally.

What are the major advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture applications?

Compared to the traditional means of environmental monitoring We adopt wireless sensor networks to monitor agricultural environment, it has three significant advantages: (1) It is unnecessary to lay wire, the network is only deployed once, the man-made impact on the control environment is small; (2) the nodes are dense …

How do wireless sensor networks work?

A Wireless sensor network can be defined as a network of devices that can communicate the information gathered from a monitored field through wireless links. The data is forwarded through multiple nodes, and with a gateway, the data is connected to other networks like wireless Ethernet.

Which protocol is used in WSN to reduce energy consumption and support self configuration?

This paper introduces different types of MAC protocols used for WSNs and proposes S-MAC, a Medium-Access Control protocol designed for Wireless Sensor Networks. S-MAC uses a few innovative techniques to reduce energy consumption and support self-configuration.

What are sensors advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages are their accuracy, low cost, and high performance etc. Disadvantages are that they can be affected by environmental changes and contamination, e.g., a gas that they are measuring can affect the performance of the sensor [5].

What is wireless sensor network discuss the benefits and limitations of wireless sensor networks?

The remote nodes are not permitted to send messages to each other. The advantage of this type of network for wireless sensor networks includes simplicity, ability to keep the remote node’s power consumption to a minimum. It also allows low latency communications between the remote node and the base station.


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