What are the benefits of taking pantothenic acid?

What are the benefits of taking pantothenic acid?

Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, is one of the most important vitamins for human life. It’s necessary for making blood cells, and it helps you convert the food you eat into energy. Vitamin B5 is one of eight B vitamins. All B vitamins help you convert the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you eat into energy.

Is multi vitamin harmful?

Multivitamins that offer large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins can be harmful, as excess levels of these vitamins can build up in the body. For instance, excess intakes of vitamin A may cause headaches, liver damage, weaker bones, and birth defects ( 11 ).

Do multi vitamins have side effects?

Many multivitamin products also contain minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Minerals (especially taken in large doses) can cause side effects such as tooth staining, increased urination, stomach bleeding, uneven heart rate, confusion, and muscle weakness or limp feeling.

Can multivitamins raise blood sugar?

Medication and Supplements May Contribute to Blood Sugar Changes. Illness itself can increase blood sugar levels, but so can illness-fighting medication. A number of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs — even some vitamins and supplements — can raise blood sugar.

Should diabetics take a multivitamin?

According to the American Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical Care, people with diabetes get no extra benefits from taking a multivitamin, compared to people without diabetes. Any supplement or vitamin that is recommended for the general public is also recommended for people with diabetes.

Is pantothenic acid safe?

Can pantothenic acid be harmful? Pantothenic acid is safe, even at high doses. However, taking very high doses of pantothenic acid supplements (such as 10,000 mg per day) can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea.

What are the side effects of pantothenic acid?

What Are Side Effects Associated with Using Pantothenic Acid?

  • Muscle pain.
  • Joint pain.
  • Diabetes mellitus, new-onset.
  • Sore throat.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness/lack of energy.
  • Dizziness.
  • Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) increased.

Are multivitamins bad for your kidneys?

You may need to avoid some vitamins and minerals if you have kidney disease. Some of these include vitamins A, E and K. These vitamins are more likely to build up in your body and can cause harm if you have too much.

Can vitamins affect diabetes?

Even though vitamins exert important effects on risk of diabetes mellitus as well as its progression and complications, there is not enough evidence in most cases to suggest individual or multivitamin supplementation in the general diabetic population.

How many options are available for the bio-multi plus multivitamin?

Three options are available for this multivitamin; Bio-Multi Plus containing both Iron and Copper, Bio-Multi Plus Iron Free, and Bio-Multi Plus Iron & Copper Free.

What is Biobio-multi plus™?

Bio-Multi Plus™ is a versatile, balanced multiple vitamin and mineral supplement, that supplies unique forms of important micro-nutrients available exclusively from Biotics Research Corporation.

What are the main ingredients in multivitamins?

In addition to ingredients such as vitamin C, magnesium, folate and vitamin D, your multi should also include nutrients that’ll naturally encourage your well-being. When considering a multivitamin, be sure to read the Supplement Facts and full ingredients list to learn more about what each supplement provides. Should I take multivitamins every day?

What should you look for when buying multi-vitamins?

Instead of simply focusing on the brand, be sure to read the labels. In addition to ingredients such as vitamin C, magnesium, folate and vitamin D, your multi should also include nutrients that’ll naturally encourage your well-being.


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