What are the current NDNQI indicators?

What are the current NDNQI indicators?

Current NDNQI measures include: Nursing Staff Skill Mix. Nursing Hours per Patient Day. Assault/Injury Assault Rates.

What is ACSC in healthcare?

An ambulatory care—sensitive condition (ACSC) is defined as a condition for which timely and effective primary care or outpatient care can potentially reduce the risk of subsequent hospitalization.

What are primary care sensitive conditions?

PCSCs commonly cited in academic literature include angina, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus and hypertension among others.

What are the AHRQ pqis?

The AHRQ PQIs are one set of quality measures that can be used to identify potential problems; follow trends over time; and ascertain disparities across regions, communities, and providers. This module focuses on preventive care services—outpatient services that assist individuals with either staying healthy or managing chronic illness.

What are the prevention quality indicators (pqis)?

The Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) identify issues of access to outpatient care, including appropriate follow-up care after hospital discharge. More specifically, the PQIs use data from hospital discharges to identify admissions that might have been avoided through access to high-quality outpatient care.

What are the AHRQ Quality Indicators?

These measures are currently organized into four modules: the Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs),1the Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs),2the Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs),3and the Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDIs).4A brief description of each module appears in Table 1. Table 1 The AHRQ Quality Indicators modules

Where can I find previous versions of the PQI resources?

– New! To access prior versions of the PQI resources, visit the Archives page . This report summarizes the work of the PQI Composite Measure Workgroup, which assisted AHRQ in developing a composite measure based on the Prevention Quality Indicators.


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