What are the different types of bench vice?

What are the different types of bench vice?

Types of Vice

  • Bench Vice.
  • Simple Bench Vice.
  • Swivel Base Bench Vice.
  • Quick Release Vice.
  • Combination Vice.
  • Machine Vice. Plain Machine Vice. Flange Machine Vice. Swivel Machine Vice. Universal Machine Vice. Vertical Machine Vice.
  • Pipe Vice.
  • Leg Vice.

How do I choose a workbench vise?

While selecting a bench vise, you have to check its throat depth – this is the distance from the top side of the jaw to the top of the slide below the jaw. Larger throat depths mean you can hold larger workpieces. Bench vises have varying jaw widths. For larger objects, you need bench vises that have bigger jaw widths.

What is the use of bench vise?

What is a bench vise? To state in simple terms, a bench vise is a mechanical apparatus used to secure an object that is to be worked on. It features two parallel jaws as part of the design. The device is widely used in the mechanical and woodworking industries, among others.

How many types of vise are there?

Pipe. A pipe vise is used by a plumber to hold pipes for threading and cutting. There are two main styles, yoke and chain.

What is vice and its types?

A vice is a mechanical device that is used in the engineering field to hold a workpiece rigid at a stationary position. It is used in different area and field such as woodworking, metalworking, mechanical engineer etc. due to its wide applications. Vice is attached to bench, hence named, bench vice or workbench vice.

What is a face vice?

A face vise is the standard woodworking vise, always securely attached to a workbench flush with its work surface. Its jaws are made of wood or metal, the latter usually faced with wood, called cheeks, to avoid marring the work. The movable jaw may include a retractable dog to hold work against a bench dog.

What is a fractal vice?

The fractal vise is actually made up of a series of stacked arcs, whereby each arc houses two smaller arcs that have half the diameter. The fractal assembly of the vise results in eight ‘grippers’ on each jaw.

What is a woodworker’s vise used for?

The primary purpose of a machinist’s vise is to grab hold of things and to hold them steady in its rough jaws, freeing up both your hands so that you can bend, shape, hammer, cut, drill, or perform any number of other operations. The jaws of the vise usually have a machined face that can easily scar wood.

What are the difference between carpenters vice and bench vice?

Material. The most significant difference between the two vices is the type of material they are designed to hold. Obviously, metalworking vices are primarily manufactured to clamp metal and woodworking vices are designed to clamp wood.

What are the different parts of a bench vise?

Jaws. The jaws allow you to place the object in between them to hold it effectively.

  • Slide. As we explained that the sliding jaw will apply pressure while turning the handle.
  • Main Screw/Lead Screw. One of the most essential part that extends into vise.
  • Handle. The jaws of the bench vise can be handled with this handle.
  • Anvil Spot.
  • Base.
  • Pipe Jaws.
  • What are the different vise parts?

    There are many individual vise parts that make up the common bench vice. From the body, base and clamping plate to the stationary jaw, adjustable jaw and the lead screw , all of the components are commonly cast or forged from heavy steel.

    How is a bench vise works?

    A quick-release jaw lets you move the vise in or out without a lot of turns of the handle.

  • A pop-up stop on some face vises eliminates the need to drill a doghole in the movable jaw.
  • The longer the handle,the more leverage you can apply to the vise.
  • Most face-vise jaws toe in slightly at the top,then go parallel under pressure.
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