What are the different types of regional integration?

What are the different types of regional integration?

There are four main types of regional economic integration.

  • Free trade area. This is the most basic form of economic cooperation.
  • Customs union. This type provides for economic cooperation as in a free-trade zone.
  • Common market.
  • Economic union.

What type of regional trade agreement is the EU?

The EU also enters into non-preferential trade agreements, as part of broader deals such as Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs). Negotiations of trade agreements are conducted in accordance with the rules set out in Article 218 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.

What is regional free trade agreement?

A free-trade area is the region encompassing a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free trade agreement (FTA). Such agreements involve cooperation between at least two countries to reduce trade barriers, import quotas and tariffs, and to increase trade of goods and services with each other.

What are regional economic groupings?

Regional economic groupings aim at creating a larger economic unit from smaller national economies. For this purpose, they aim to remove trade barriers and establish closer co-ordination and co-operation among the countries involved. A preferential trade area is the weakest form of economic grouping.

What are various forms of regional economic groupings give examples?

1.1. Forms of Regional Economic Groupings

  • Preferential trade areas;
  • Free trade areas;
  • Customs unions;
  • Common markets;
  • Monetary unions;
  • Economic unions.

What type of agreement is the European Union?

association agreement
An association agreement is a bilateral agreement between the EU and a third country.

What are the types of trade agreements?

Trade agreements assume three different types: unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral. The WTO helps negotiate global trade agreements.

What is the difference between bilateral and regional trade agreements?

Literally, a bilateral trade agreement is one made between two contracting parties, and a regional trade agreement is one made between two or more contracting parties that share some common denomination known conceptually as “region.” The purpose of such agreements is to reinforce trade relations between the members.

What are the various types of trade agreements?


  • Free Trade Agreement.
  • Preferential Trade Agreement.
  • Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
  • Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement.
  • Framework agreement.
  • Early Harvest Scheme.

What are regional and economic groupings formed?

It focusses on creation of larger economic unit from smaller national economies. Regional and economic groupings such as the SAARC, European Union, ASEAN, G-8, G-20, BRIGS etc are formed to increase economic co-operation among nations in the neighbourhood or those sharing common economic Interests.

What are examples of trade agreements?

Trade agreement. It has had a hand in the architecture of the most comprehensive and important multilateral trade agreements in modern times. Examples of these trade agreements and their representative institutions include the North American Free Trade Agreement (1993) and the European Free Trade Association (1995).

What are trade agreements between countries?

Trade agreements are when two or more nations agree on the terms of trade between them. They determine the tariffs and duties that countries impose on imports and exports. All trade agreements affect international trade. Imports are goods and services produced in a foreign country and bought by domestic residents.

What are some examples of free trade agreements?

When countries drop tariffs, duties, quotas, country specific criteria for imported goods, and other government costs and barriers–then we have free trade. Modern examples of free trade zones include the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement, between Canada, the United States and Mexico, and the Mercosur countries of South America.

What are the United States trade agreements?

Trade Agreements. The United States has free trade agreements with 20 countries. These include 12 bilateral agreements and 2 multilateral agreements (NAFTA and CAFTA-DR).


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