What are the indications and contraindications of tonsillectomy?

What are the indications and contraindications of tonsillectomy?

Contraindications for tonsillectomy include the following: Bleeding diathesis. Poor anesthetic risk or uncontrolled medical illness. Anemia.

What are important patient considerations after a tonsillectomy?

Avoid acidic, spicy, hard or crunchy foods that may cause pain or bleeding. Rest. Bed rest is important for several days after surgery, and strenuous activities — such as running and bike riding — should be avoided for two weeks after surgery.

Is Peritonsillar abscess indication for tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is indicated for PTA associated with chronic or recurrent tonsillitis or for exposure of the abscess in unusual cases. Newer techniques and technologies offer improved recovery and reduced complications from surgery. Acute tonsillectomy is generally regarded as a safe and effective treatment of PTA.

Is recurrent tonsillitis an indication for tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy may be considered in patients with recurrent throat infections if they have had at least seven documented episodes of sore throat in the previous year, at least five documented episodes in each of the previous two years, or at least three documented episodes in each of the previous three years, plus a …

Why tonsillectomy is contraindicated in acute tonsillitis?

Why tonsillectomy is contraindicated in polio epidemic?

in immune suppressed individuals the infection may develop from live vaccine. physical exertion during incubation period may predispose to paralytic poliomyelitis. tonsillectomy – may predispose to bulbar poliomyelitis. This procedure is contraindicated during a polio epidemic.

What is the Rose position in surgery?

Rose position is a position in which a patient is placed while undergoing a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.

What should I do before tonsillectomy?

Before the Operation

  1. Complete any blood work or other doctor appointments, as directed by your surgeon, in a timely manner.
  2. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen-containing medications within 7 days of the operation.
  3. You may not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight on the day of the operation.

How do you assess blood after a tonsillectomy?

If the bleeding happens within 24 hours after a tonsillectomy, it’s called primary post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage….Signs of primary hemorrhage right after a tonsillectomy include:

  1. bleeding from the mouth or nose.
  2. frequent swallowing.
  3. vomiting bright red or dark brown blood.

What is postural drainage therapy?

Postural Drainage Therapy. PDT 1.0 PROCEDURE: Postural drainage therapy (PDT) is a component of bronchial hygiene therapy. It consists of postural drainage, positioning, and turning and is sometimes accompanied by chest percussion and/or vibration.

What is the role of documentation in the evaluation of tonsillectomy?

Documentation of recurrent throat infections should be used to help determine the need for tonsillectomy.

How is postural drainage used to clear the airway?

Among various techniques for airway clearance, postural drainage is one of the widely used methods since decades. Postural drainage is the positioning of a patient with an involved lung segment such that gravity has a maximal effect of facilitating the drainage of broncho-pulmonary secretions from the tracheobronchial tree.

What is the best position for postural drainage of mucus?

A respiratory therapist, nurse, or doctor can recommend the best ways to perform postural drainage based on where the mucus is. On your back. Your chest should be lower than your hips, which you can achieve by lying on a slanted surface or propping your hips up about 18 to 20 inches with pillows or another item.


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