What are the job opportunities after BSC Botany in Kerala?

What are the job opportunities after BSC Botany in Kerala?

Apply for jobs available for B.Sc Botany graduate

Job Profile Description
Nursery or Green House manager (Jobs) This is a managerial career which deals with managing the nursery.
Farming Consultant An expertise who works as a consultant related to farming queries on the molecular or physical level.

What can I do with a degree in botany?

What Careers are in Botany?

  • Biotechnologist. This profession involves using live plants to design new biological products.
  • Florist. This job suits the botany grad with crafting skill and design talent.
  • Plant Geneticist. Also termed “plant breeder,” this profession specializes in crop cultivation.
  • Field Botanist.
  • Naturalist.

What is the best course after BSc botany?

5 Courses After Bsc Botany

  • 1) M.Sc. Botany.
  • 2) M.Sc. Forestry.
  • 3) M. Sc Horticulture.
  • 4) MSc Biotechnology. The course focuses on using modern technologies to use living organisms and produce bio-products.
  • 5) MSc Microbiology. This course involves the study of micro-organisms and their impact on the life of humans.

How can I become a botanist in Kerala?

The minimum required qualification for you to establish a career as a botanist is a bachelor’s degree in science. Moreover, if you wish to go for higher studies, then you would be required to specialise in one of the areas of botany. The levels of courses offered are bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral.

Is Botany a useless degree?

Absolutely! Absolutely! Most botanical research today is focused these days on molecular levels, genomic research and genetic engineering aspects rather than field botany. Both the micro and macro levels are important.

Which is the best course after BSc botany?

Check down below top courses after BSc botany degree.

  • MSc Botany.
  • MSc Horticulture.
  • MSc in Ecology.
  • MSc Biotechnology.
  • MSC Biochemistry.
  • MSc in Marine Science.
  • MSc Microbiology.
  • Master of Agriculture Resources & Management.



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