What are the main basin type?

What are the main basin type?

The major types of basins are river drainage basins, structural basins, and ocean basins. A river drainage basin is an area drained by a river and all of its tributaries. A river basin is made up of many different watersheds.

What kind of plate boundary is in Africa?

divergent boundary
Boundaries. The western edge of the African Plate is a divergent boundary with the North American Plate to the north and the South American Plate to the south which forms the central and southern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

How many sedimentary basins are there in Nigeria?

three sedimentary basins
The three sedimentary basins in Nigeria are underlain by continental crust except in the Niger delta, where the basement rock is interpreted to be oceanic crust.

Is the African Plate subducting under the Eurasian plate?

African Plate Boundaries The northern part of the plate is a convergent boundary where the African plate is subducting below the Eurasian plate. Subduction zones are convergent boundaries, and where they collide, one plate dives below the other. In this case, the African plate is diving below the Eurasian plate.

What hotspot is located on the African Plate?

13. Name the hotspot located on the African Plate. Canary Islands Hot Spot 14.

How sedimentary basins are formed?

Sedimentary basins are formed over hundreds of millions of years by the combined action of deposition of eroded material and precipitation of chemicals and organic debris within water environment (Figure 1.2).

How are forearc basins formed?

Forearc basin is a sedimentary basin formed in the arc-trench gap between a volcanic arc and plate subduction zone (Figure 1) [1].

What causes a forearc basin?

Formation. During subduction, an oceanic plate is thrust below another tectonic plate, which may be oceanic or continental. Water and other volatiles in the down-going plate cause flux melting in the upper mantle, creating magma that rises and penetrates the overriding plate, forming a volcanic arc.

How are down-dropped basins formed?

The down-dropped basin formed during rifting because of stretching and thinning of the continental crust Subsidence along a passive margin, mostly due to long-term accumulation of sediments on the continental shelf Downward flexure of the subducting and non-subducting plates (sites of accretionary wedges)

What is the mechanism of basin subsidence?

Mechanism of basin subsidence including crustal stretching (extension), compressional tectonic loading, crustal bending by sediment overload, and thermal (cooling) subsidence of the crust. It is important to note that sedimentary basins are composite in their nature and complex in their histories.

How are intra-cratonic basins formed?

Intra-cratonic basins initially formed in proximity to plate margins (rifting or convergent) but are currently far from plate boundaries. These long-lived basins are sustained by a low degree of crustal stretching and thermal subsidence affecting the plate interior over geological time.

Is the basin-and-range formed by tectonics?

A Google Earth image of the Basin-and-Range in south-west USA, formed by tectonic extension since the Oligocene. Only a tectonic classification explains the origin and evolution of sedimentary basins and their sediment fill.


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