What are the modern irrigation system used in Pakistan?

What are the modern irrigation system used in Pakistan?

Different methods that are in use in Pakistan include canal irrigation, lift irrigation, dams, and barrages. Following is an elaboration of each of these methods of irrigation.

Which is the modern technique of irrigation?

The modern methods of irrigation include – surface irrigation, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, subsurface irrigation.

How the modern irrigation system is helping the agricultural growth in Pakistan?

Drip and sprinkler systems save up to 75 percent out of the 90 percent of water that Pakistan uses for agriculture. While these new methods can increase yields in the already cultivable lands, they can turn arid land parcels in crop-producing areas as well.

What are the different methods of irrigation?

The main types of irrigation followed by farmers include:

  • Surface Irrigation. In this system, no irrigation pump is involved.
  • Localized Irrigation.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation.
  • Drip Irrigation.
  • Centre Pivot Irrigation.
  • Sub Irrigation.
  • Manual Irrigation.
  • Traditional Methods of Irrigation.

What are the modern methods of irrigation Class 5?

Drip irrigation and sprinkle irrigation are modern methods of irrigation.

How is irrigation used in agriculture in Pakistan?

Pakistan uses 90% of its water for agriculture, mainly as farmers flood their fields to irrigate their crops, said Pervaiz Amir, director of the Pakistan Water Partnership (PWP), a non-governmental organisation.

Which type of irrigation is used in Punjab?

The main source of irrigation in Punjab and Haryana is Canal. Canals are second most important source of irrigation in India after wells and tube wells. Canals are an effective source of irrigation in areas of low level relief, deep fertile soils and perrenial source of water.

What are the traditional and modern methods of irrigation?

Drip Irrigation System Drip irrigation is the most used irrigation system these days. In the drip irrigation, we lay plastic pipes in rows near the crops or plants. These pipes have holes in them. Drip irrigation is one of the most efficient irrigation methods as it reduces water wastage in agriculture.

Which is the oldest method of irrigation in Pakistan?

It is the oldest method of irrigation in Pakistan. Wells and Tube-wells system is successful where water level is high and where canal system is not common. Animal power and electricity is used for to obtain water from wells and tube-wells. To utilize ground water 0.7 million tube wells have been installed.

What are the modern methods of irrigation?

The modern methods of irrigation include: It is an easy and simple method of irrigation nowadays. Water is provided to the fields by spraying water droplets, similar to rain, through pipes. Any loss of water is avoided in the sprinkler system. Problem of waterlogging is not present in this system.

What is canal irrigation?

Canal is the thing which brings river water close to the field where it is required to be. The irrigation system of Pakistan is one of the best one in the world due to the largest irrigation system in the world. In Pakistan, almost 75% of the land which is in agricultural use is covered by the irrigation system.

What is Karez irrigation system?

Karez: Karez is also an irrigation system which is adopted only in Baluchistan province. It is an underground-short canal system which is built to carry water at the foothill to the fields. Karez system is very popular in Pishin and Quetta districts.


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