What are the number of protons neutrons and electrons in uranium-239?

What are the number of protons neutrons and electrons in uranium-239?

The atomic number of uranium (see periodic table) is 92, and the mass number of the isotope is given as 238. Therefore, it has 92 protons, 92 electrons, and 238 — 92 : 146 neutrons.

When 238 undergoes beta decay The product is NP 239?

By capturing a neutron, uranium-238 becomes uranium-239 that rapidly changes by beta radiation into neptunium-239. This neptunium is transformed then by beta radiation, after 3 days on average, into a new nucleus: plutonium-239.

How many protons does uranium-239 have?

Plutonium-239 is also one of the three main isotopes demonstrated usable as fuel in thermal spectrum nuclear reactors, along with uranium-235 and uranium-233. Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,110 years….Plutonium-239.

Symbol 239Pu
Names plutonium-239, Pu-239
Protons 94
Neutrons 145

What are the products of uranium-239 decay?

upon absorbing a neutron, forms uranium-239, and this latter isotope eventually decays into plutonium-239—a fissile material of great importance in nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

What is the mass of uranium 239?


PubChem CID 166963
Molecular Formula U
Synonyms 13982-01-9 uranium-239 Uranium, isotope of mass 239 (~239~U)Uranium DTXSID70930623
Molecular Weight 239.05429
Dates Modify 2021-12-18 Create 2005-08-08

How much does plutonium 239 cost?

“The price for plutonium-239 quoted on p. 155, US$5.24 per milligram, seems to imply that the plutonium for a critical mass of about 6 kg costs about 31 million dollars.”

How many neutrons does uranium-239 have?

145 neutrons
There are 145 neutrons in the 239Pu nucleus.

What type of radiation is emitted when NP 239 decays into Pu 239?

beta particle
The U-239, in turn, decays by emitting a beta particle to neptunium-239, which gives off another beta particle. Since each beta decay turns a neutron into a proton, these two beta decays suffice to turn a uranium atom into one of plutonium.

Is uranium 239 the most abundant form of uranium?

All three isotopes are radioactive (i.e., they are radioisotopes), and the most abundant and stable is uranium-238, with a half-life of 4.4683×109 years (close to the age of the Earth).

How many protons does uranium-238?

92 protons
The most stable isotope of uranium, U-238, has an atomic number of 92 (protons) and an atomic weight of 238 (92 protons plus 146 neutrons).

What is U-239 in what way is it different from U-238?

In what ways is it different from U-238? U-239 is an isotope of uranium. It has one more neutron in the nucleus than U-238.


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