What are the staging dates for auto-enrolment?

What are the staging dates for auto-enrolment?

Finding your staging date Your staging date is the latest date by which you have to have an auto-enrolment scheme in place for your employees. be. Your staging date depends on the number of people in your PAYE scheme at 1 April 2012, based on the latest information available to the Pensions Regulator.

When should an employee be auto enrolled?

Your income may vary, but if at any point, you earn more than the eligibility threshold for your pay period, your employer should auto-enrol you at that time (or after three months if they have decided to postpone you).

Can you opt into pension at any time?

Staff can decide to opt in or join at any point. They do this by writing to their employer.

When did pension contributions become compulsory?

In the past, it was up to workers to decide whether they wanted to join their employer’s pension scheme. But since 2012, employers have been gradually required to automatically enrol their eligible workers into a workplace pension scheme.

When did stakeholder pensions become compulsory?

6 April 2001
Stakeholder pension schemes were introduced on the 6 April 2001. The requirement to designate a stakeholder pension scheme stopped on 1 October 2012.

How many times can you postpone auto Enrolment?

There’s no need to tell us that you’ve decided to use postponement. You can postpone for up to three months. You can postpone as many or as few staff as you like and the postponement period doesn’t have to be the same length for everyone.

Do all employees have to be auto enrolled?

By law, all eligible jobholders must be auto enrolled into your pension scheme. But in addition to these people, other non-eligible jobholders or entitled workers have the right to join the scheme if they want to. If they do opt-in, you must contribute to their pension pot.

Can you opt out of auto Enrolment at any time?

You can opt out of your employer’s workplace pension scheme after you’ve been enrolled. If you decide to opt out within a month of being enrolled, any payments you’ve made into your pension pot during this time will be refunded to you. After the first month, you can still opt out at any time.

Who can opt out of an auto enrolment scheme?

Opting out is when a staff member decides to leave your pension scheme within a month of being enrolled. Staff that have been enrolled and those who have opted in can choose to opt out. Your client must not actively encourage their staff to opt out of their workplace pension (which could be considered an inducement).

Can you postpone auto enrolment?

You can postpone for up to three months. You can postpone as many or as few staff as you like and the postponement period doesn’t have to be the same length for everyone.

How do I Opt in to automatic enrolment?

If a jobholder chooses to exercise their right to opt in, they do so by giving the employer an ‘opt-in’ notice. Upon receipt, the employer is required to make arrangements for the jobholder to become an active member of an automatic enrolment scheme from the enrolment date.

What is the opt-out period for the pension scheme?

Once staff have been enrolled into the pension scheme, they have one calendar month during which they can opt out and get a full refund of any contributions. This is known as the opt-out period. It starts from whichever date is the later of: the date they received a letter from their employer with the enrolment information

Who qualifies for automatic enrolment?

A jobholder who: 1 is aged between 16 and 21 or state pension age and 74 2 has qualifying earnings above the earnings trigger for automatic enrolment or 3 is aged between 16 and 74 • has qualifying earnings equal to or below the earnings trigger for automatic enrolment.

What is the difference between opt-in and joining?

Opting in: A jobholder can require the employer to arrange for them to become an active member of an automatic enrolment scheme, with effect from the enrolment date. They do this by giving the employer an ‘opt-in notice’ Joining: An entitled worker can require the employer to arrange for them to become an active member of a pension scheme.


What are the staging dates for auto Enrolment?

What are the staging dates for auto Enrolment?

Finding your staging date Your staging date is the latest date by which you have to have an auto-enrolment scheme in place for your employees. be. Your staging date depends on the number of people in your PAYE scheme at 1 April 2012, based on the latest information available to the Pensions Regulator.

How do I find my company’s staging date?

But if that letter has disappeared under a pile of paperwork (it happens), there’s a very simple way to check your staging date.

  1. Go to The Pensions Regulator website here.
  2. Enter your business’s PAYE reference.
  3. Complete the box that asks you to enter the code shown above.
  4. Click ‘Show my staging date’ button.

What is the minimum number of employees for auto Enrolment?

From today, waves of firms with fewer than 30 employees will start to be phased into the Government’s automatic enrolment scheme, which was set up amid fears that people are living for longer but are not putting enough money aside for their old age.

What are the auto Enrolment thresholds?

Only workers earning more than £10,000 – and aged between 22 and State Pension age – will be automatically enrolled into a workplace pension by their employers. But if you earn less, you still have the right to join a workplace pension.

How do I choose a re enrollment date?

We tell employers to use the third anniversary of their staging date as their re-enrolment date, as this helps to simplify the process for them. However, they can choose any date within a six-month timeframe if they wish – starting three months before, and ending three months after their anniversary date.

What is my duties start date?

An employer’s Duties Start Date is the date their first worker begins to be employed. Employers can postpone assessing staff for up to 3 months from their Duties Start Date or from the employee’s start date if they are a new employee. Postponement does not change the legal duties start date however.

What is re-Enrolment date?

The date that you assess your staff is known as your re-enrolment date. If you haven’t assessed your staff within six weeks of the third anniversary of your duties start date or staging date, you can do this on any date up to three months after it.

Who is excluded from auto Enrolment?

If a director does not have an employment contract, they cannot be a worker and are therefore always exempt from automatic enrolment. This means that an organisation with one or more directors who do not have contracts of employment is not an employer if it does not have any staff other than the director(s).

What is workplace pension staging date?

The date your employer duties first apply is known as your staging date and it’s based on the number of people in your largest Pay As You Earn (PAYE) scheme on 1 April 2012. If you don’t already offer workers a workplace pension scheme, you must set one up before your business’ staging date.

What is the auto enrolment threshold 2021 22?

Earnings thresholds for 2021-22

Pay reference period
2021 – 2022 Annual 1 month
Lower level of qualifying earnings £6,240 £520
Earnings trigger for automatic enrolment £10,000 £833
Upper level of qualifying earnings £50,270 £4,189

What is the lower earnings limit for 2021 22?

Class 1 National Insurance thresholds

Class 1 National Insurance thresholds 2021 to 2022
Lower earnings limit £120 per week £520 per month £6,240 per year
Primary threshold £184 per week £797 per month £9,568 per year
Secondary threshold £170 per week £737 per month £8,840 per year

What is cyclical Enrolment?

Essentially cyclical re-enrolment is a repeat of the process the employer carried out on their staging date or duties start date (or deferral date if they used postponement to postpone all their workers when their duties started).

What is my auto-enrolment staging date for PAYE?

Your staging date for auto-enrolment depends on the size of your largest PAYE scheme as at April 2012. To be absolutely sure, you should check your auto-enrolment staging date on The Pensions Regulator’s website, however though they should have sent you a letter well in advance of your staging date.

When will auto-enrolment begin?

Automatic enrolment will begin in October 2012. All existing firms will have enrolled their staff by April 2017, followed by all new employers by February 2018.

When do I have to auto-enrol my employees into workplace pension schemes?

Employers have now been given various staging dates, from which they must start enrolling their employees into workplace pension schemes. Your staging date for auto-enrolment depends on the size of your largest PAYE scheme as at April 2012.

How will the changes to automatic enrolment affect employers with 250 employees?

Large employers, those with 250 or more employees, will not face any change in the date they are due to start enrolling their staff. This follows the announcement in November that small businesses would be given more time to prepare for automatic enrolment to help them out in exceptionally tough economic times.


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