What are the three main values of the Carmelites?

What are the three main values of the Carmelites?

The Carmelite charism is a gift that has come from eight hundred years of Carmelite history and consists of three elements; they are Contemplation, Community and Service.

What are the parts of the Carmelite habit?

The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart wear a habit including cincture, rosary, scapular, and veil.

What lay Carmelites wear?

Membership. Those who wish to be members of the Lay Carmelites must be practicing Catholics. Apart from attending a monthly community meeting, Lay Carmelites wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel as an external sign of dedication to Mary, and of trust in her protection.

Who are the Carmelites Saints?


  • Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart.
  • Teresa of Ávila.
  • Teresa of the Andes.
  • Thérèse of Lisieux.
  • Peter Thomas (saint)

What is the Carmelite motto?

Zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum

Latin: Ordo Fratrum Beatissimae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo
Coat of arms of the Carmelites
Legal status Institute of Consecrated Life
Membership 1,979 (1,294 priests) as of 2017
Motto Latin: Zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum (English: ‘With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of hosts’)

What do the Carmelites teach?

Both branches have been important promoters of Marian devotion. Besides the cloistered nuns, in recent times, numerous congregations of active sisterhoods, Third Order Carmelites, have been formed, devoted to teaching, care of the sick, and other charitable works.

What is Carmelite spirituality?

The core of Carmelite spirituality is a journey of the heart. Searching for God, even and especially, in the darkness is the goal of Carmelite spirituality. In his defeating of the false gods on Mount Carmel, Elijah is a symbol of that search. Jesus also points to this goal in his life and way of prayer.

What are the Carmelites known for?

Carmelite, one of the four great mendicant orders (those orders whose corporate as well as personal poverty made it necessary for them to beg for alms) of the Roman Catholic Church, dating to the Middle Ages.

What religion are the Carmelites?

Roman Catholic
The Carmelites, actually the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Latin: Ordo Fratrum Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ de Monte Carmelo; abbreviated OCarm) or sometimes simply as Carmel by synecdoche, is a Roman Catholic mendicant religious order for men and women.

What are Carmelites famous for?

What is the Carmelite rule of life?

The Rule states that it is fundamental for a Carmelite to “live a life in allegiance to Jesus Christ – how, pure in heart and stout in conscience, must be unswerving in the service of the Master” (no. 2).

How do the Carmelites pray?

Carmelite prayer, by the book… Here are some basics: Begin, as any session of Scripture reading should, by asking the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to God’s word. Slowly read the sacred text you have chosen, paying close attention to each word. Take a moment to soak in what you have read.

What is the Carmelite habit made of?

The habit of the Carmelite monk is made of durable brown wool as woven after the manner St. Teresa of Jesus first taught her daughters. Brown like the cross and the soil of the earth, the Carmelite wears a robe of brown, since he is called to carry the Cross of Our Lord, Jesus Christ and to imitate the humility of the Blessed Virgin.

Do Carmelite nuns have to wear the habit of the Order?

Discalced Carmelite Nuns must wear the habit of the Order. This is not an option: it is an obligation, especially when seen in light of the fact that the nuns are supported by the laity. They belong to the Church; they witness to the contemplative tradition as preserved in her laws and documents, and in particular to the Carmelite tradition.

Why is the Carmelite cross plain without a cross?

The Carmelite cross is plain, without the body of our Lord, because the Carmelite nun must place herself on the cross. She keeps her sewing or other handwork in her cell, where she retires for prayer and work when not called out, according to the Rule of Saint Albert and the Constitutions of Saint Teresa.

Why do Carmelite Monks wear a white mantle?

The white mantle worn by the Carmelite monks for Holy Mass and the Divine Office on major feast days covers the brown tunic, scapular and cowl below, clothing the monk in white. This mantle is a “sign of [the] internal purity” which the monk aspires to in imitation of Our Lady;


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