What are the three most common IM sites utilized?

What are the three most common IM sites utilized?

Based on these three conditions, deltoid, ventrogluteal, and thigh sites are considered to be safe and, thus, commonly used for IM injections.

What are the landmarks of injection sites?

Intramuscular injection sites

  • Deltoid muscle of the arm. The deltoid muscle is the site most typically used for vaccines.
  • Vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh.
  • Ventrogluteal muscle of the hip.
  • Dorsogluteal muscles of the buttocks.

What are the 2 most common sites for intramuscular injections?

Where should an intramuscular (IM) injection be given? Nurses learn there are four possible sites: the arm (deltoid); thigh (vastus lateralis); upper outer posterior buttock (gluteus maximus), also referred to as the dorsogluteal site; and the lateral hip (gluteus medius), also called the ventrogluteal site.

How do you Landmark a deltoid?

To locate the landmark for the deltoid muscle, expose the upper arm and find the acromion process by palpating the bony prominence. The injection site is in the middle of the deltoid muscle, about 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2 inches) below the acromion process.

How do you give a painless deltoid injection?

Giving an IM injection into the deltoid site

  1. Find the knobbly top of the arm (acromion process)
  2. The top border of an inverted triangle is two finger widths down from the acromion process.
  3. Stretch the skin and then bunch up the muscle.
  4. Insert the needle at a right angle to the skin in the centre of the inverted triangle.

Do you stretch skin for IM injection?

Hold the syringe and needle in your dominant hand and gently stretch the skin around the injection site using the non-dominant hand. This displaces the subcutaneous tissue and aids needle entry (Dougherty and Lister, 2015).

How can I make IM injection less painful?

Minimizing the Pain

  1. If you can, make sure your medicine is at room temperature.
  2. Wait until the alcohol you used to clean where you’re going to inject is dry.
  3. Always use a new needle.
  4. Get the air bubbles out of the syringe.
  5. Make sure the needle is lined up right going in and coming out.
  6. Stick the needle in quickly.

Where is the Ventrogluteal site for im injection?

The ventrogluteal injection site is an area on the most prominent part of the hip that’s considered the preferred site for intramuscular injections. Experts say it’s one of the safest areas for such injections because of the thick thigh muscles in the area. There are also fewer blood vessels and nerves in that area.


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