What are the verbs for poder?

What are the verbs for poder?

Poder in the Present Tense

Subject Pronoun Present Tense of Poder Meaning
yo puedo I am able to/can
puedes you are able to/can
él/ella/usted puede he/she is able to/can, you (formal) are able to/can
nosotros/as podemos we are able to/can

How do you use the verb poder in Spanish?

Although poder can be used alone, it most often is used an auxilary verb to mean “can” or “be able to.” As an auxiliary verb, poder is followed by an infinitive. The infinitive form, poder, can be used as a noun to refer to power or authority.

Do you conjugate after poder?

Poder conjugation is irregular. It is a stem-changing verb, in which the –o- in the stem often changes to either –u- or –ue-. No other verbs follow the same pattern as poder….Present simple.

Yo puedo
Él, ella, usted puede
Nosotros podemos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes pueden

What does Pensar plus infinitive mean?

When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions.

What is the subjunctive form of Poder?

Subjunctive of Poder. The subjunctive is a mood or way of expressing information which is not factual, but subjective, such as wishes, uncertainty, or possibilities. To conjugate poder in the present subjunctive, we need the irregular stem pued-, EXCEPT FOR nosotros/as and vosotros/as, which take the regular stem again.

How to use subjunctive Spanish?

For most verbs, the present subjunctive is formed by following these three steps: Start with the yo form of the present indicative. Then drop the -o ending. Finally, add the following endings:

What does Poder mean in Spanish?

As a verb, poder means “to be able”; in its conjugated forms it is frequently translated as “can” or “could.”. But partly because the English “could” can refer to the past, present or future, and partly because the preterite and conditional tenses of poder are often interchangeable, the use of poder isn’t always straightforward.

What is present subjunctive in Spanish?

The Spanish present subjunctive (el presente de subjuntivo ) is used to talk about situations of doubt, desire, emotion, necessity, or uncertainty.


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