What are the wavelength of each color of the rainbow?

What are the wavelength of each color of the rainbow?

The range of wavelength for indigo is around 425–450 nm. It’s hard for the human eye to distinguish and is usually considered a subset of violet….English.

Colour Wavelength Range (nm)
Orange 590-620
Yellow 570-590
Green 495-570
Blue 450-495

Which color of the rainbow has the highest wavelength?

red light
On one end of the spectrum is red light, with the longest wavelength. Blue or violet light has the shortest wavelength. White light is a combination of all colors in the color spectrum. It has all the colors of the rainbow.

Why do different Colours have different wavelengths?

We see different wavelengths of light as different colors because they are associated to different wavelength, which activates different cells in the retina. You can try to answer the question from another perspective, such as why a red surface is red, but that is another story.

What color is 589 nm?

Table of spectral or near-spectral colors

Color term, light source, or dye Wavelength, nm
• red (sRGB primary) 614–609
Orange 620–585 625–590
Yellow 585–560 590–565
• Sodium-vapor lamp ≈ 589

What color has the strongest wavelength?

Red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest wavelength.

How many wavelengths of light are there?

There are seven wavelength ranges in the visible spectrum that coordinate to a different color. Each visible color has a wavelength.

What wavelength is violet light?

around 380 nanometers
Violet has the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.

Do different colors have different wavelengths?

As the full spectrum of visible light travels through a prism, the wavelengths separate into the colors of the rainbow because each color is a different wavelength. Violet has the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.

Why different colours have different wavelengths?


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