What area code is 01491?

What area code is 01491?

01491 area code information

Area code: 01491
Location: Henley-on-Thames
Ceremonial county: Oxfordshire
Local number length: 6 digits
Number format: 01491 xxxxxx

What area code is 0333?

An 0333 number is a special phone number that cannot be associated with any geographical location. They are landline numbers and not mobile numbers. It is therefore not possible to identify the area that the landline associated with the number is in, unlike the usual ’01’ or ’02’ landline numbers.

Who called me 0203?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 0203 that called you is a survey scam! At the moment we are unable to verify that this number is genuine and truly belongs to Microsoft.

What area code is 0203?

London 0203 numbers. Numbers that start with the 020 area code, including ‘0203’ numbers, are for London and the surrounding area.

What area code is 0118?

0118 is the area code for Reading, Berkshire, UK.

Who called me 03337770777?

Utility Warehouse Member Service Phone Number 0333 777 0777 Call the Utility Warehouse customer service number 0333 777 0777 to get in touch with a member of their service team. This is the phone number to call for existing member queries.

How much is an 0333 number?

Are 0333 numbers free from landlines?

Number starts with Description Cost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0333 UK-wide numbers 3p to 55p

Is 0203 a premium number?

Yes – but only if you have the minutes left in your allowance to make the call. The same charge of 55p applies to 0203 numbers as it does to 01 and 03 numbers. Numbers beginning 020 are classed as standard UK landlines and are included in your Vodafone tariff.

Where is the dialing code 01235 from?

The 01235 area code is for Abingdon and the surrounding area. Locations using 01235 numbers include: Abingdon. Blewbury.

Where is area code 01491?

The 01491 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Henley-on-Thames area. The local telephone numbers within the 01491 are 6 digits long.

Where is the 01491 Henley-on-Thames dialling code?

The Henley-on-Thames 01491 dialling code intersects the counties of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire in the South East Region of the UK. When do I need to use the 01491 Henley-on-Thames dialling code?

Where is area code 1491 from?

The 1491 region includes places like: Henley on Thames, Fawley, Shiplake and Binfield Heath, among others. The majority of numbers utilizing the 01491 area code are regular Henley-on-Thames landlines, however it should be noted that this might be misleading.

How to call Zhoushan phone numbers from Australia?

The country code for China is +86 (001186), so if you are in Australia and you want to call a person in Zhoushan, you have to prefix that person’s phone number with +86 580. In this case, the zero in front of the area code becomes omitted.


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