What area code is 01842?

What area code is 01842?

01842 area code information

Area code: 01842
Location: Thetford
Ceremonial county: Norfolk
Local number length: 6 digits
Number format: 01842 xxxxxx

Where is this Dialling code?

The country code for the UK is 44. It is also not necessary to dial the leading zero when calling into the UK from outside the country, so this is shown in a bracket. For example, +44 (0) 1423 396979 for Harrogate 01423 396979.

What area is 01953 telephone code?

01953 Area Code The location for 01953 is Wymondham, UK. The 01953 area code will allow you to make calls to Wymondham from wherever in the world you are.

Where is 01824 the STD code for?

The area code 01824 is for Ruthin and the surrounding area. Locations using 01824 numbers include: Clawdd-newydd. Llanarmon-yn-Iâl.

Where is 01843 Phone area?

The area code 01843 is for Thanet and the surrounding area. Locations using 01843 numbers include: Birchington on Sea. Broadstairs.

What phone code is 01840?

The area code 01840 is for Camelford and the surrounding area. Locations using 01840 numbers include: Boscastle.

What phone number starts with 02?

Area codes

Area code Region State or territory
02 Central East New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory
03 South East Victoria, Tasmania
04 Mobile telephones Australia-wide
07 North East Queensland

Which country code is this +1?

United States
+1 – United States, including United States territories: +1 340 – United States Virgin Islands. +1 670 – Northern Mariana Islands. +1 671 – Guam.

Where is 01952 number from?

Telford. The 01952 area code is for Telford and the surrounding area. Locations using 01952 numbers include: Broseley.

Who called 01953661919?

01953 661919 is legitimate – from Norfolk Police. This number was legitimate, from Norfolk Police.

What area code is 01823?

The area code 01823 is for Taunton and the surrounding area. Locations using 01823 numbers include: Bishop’s Lydeard. Blagdon Hill.

What is an 01823 number?

💡 01823 is the area code for Taunton and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Taunton have this format : (01823) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01823 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.


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